3 Tips to Overcoming Anxiety

The past year has been quite a whirlwind for me and my family. Being a working mom comes with its own share of challenges, from distance learning to Zoom calls. As a family, we have dealt with many losses.  The loss of my grandmother, job, income, friendships, and what even felt like purpose.  I was drowning in despair, hopelessness, worry, and eventually…anxiety.

I remember one night while lying in bed my heart began to race, I had shortness of breath and my mind became very cloudy.  The cares of this world, the disappointments staring in my face, and confusion were starting to take a toll on my physical body.  At that moment I had experienced a panic attack and I felt absolutely helpless.  I knew something hard to change.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:6-7

I have pondered how could Paul write those words with such confidence.  If I were in a prison and unsure of fate, my anxiety meter would be through the roof.  I needed to know why and how Paul wrote those words with such conviction.  I believe the answer is found directly in Philippians 4 6-7.


Pray continually. I Thessalonians 5:17

As I tossed and turned, I remember words that my mom spoke to me as a child.   Just say the name, “Jesus”.  I could not do anything or think of anyone else but Him.  I didn’t know what to pray but I knew that the name of Jesus is stronger than fear, worry, and anxiety.

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow. Philippians 2: 9-10a

Prayer is vital in the life of the believer.  He wants to hear from us and our hearts need to hear from Him.  When Jesus walked the Earth he was constantly spending time with the Father.   It was during those times that He was encouraged, refreshed, and equipped to continue moving forward.  Paul said that we are to present our requests to the Lord.  Tell him how you are feeling.  Leave your cares, worries, and concerns at His feet.  After you have told him everything allow Him to speak to you through His word.

Cast your cares on Him because He cares for you. I Peter 5:7

Give thanks 

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.  I Thessalonians 5:18

When we feel at our lowest it can be so easy to only think about our circumstances.  When we do that our focus has turned from a heart of gratitude to inward solitude.  The danger with that is our thoughts become our habits which in turn become our actions.   That is why it is so important to do what the old folks say, “count your blessings”.  We must choose to remember the faithfulness of God and that He is with us during the hard times.  When we pray let’s shower the Lord with words of thanksgiving from our heart.  It might not be easy but it will change your outlook and your mindset.  I’m not talking about positive talk, although helpful, but Biblical truth.  Truth that says:

Truly he is my rock and my salvation, He is my fortress, I will never be shaken. Psalm 62:6


And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:7

I remember being awake between the hours of 2-5 am for a period of weeks. I was robbed of my joy, peace, and rest. I knew to pray and give thanks but was I ready to receive His rest.  Rest for the believer goes beyond actual sleep.  Rest means peace. When you are at peace, your mind stops racing, your heart rate settles and you can close your eyes at night knowing that we serve a God who never sleeps nor slumbers.  He is constantly at work in our lives even when we can’t see it, even when we feel overwhelmed by work and motherhood. Trust the God of the universe and sleep well tonight. He is ready to move mountains for His children.

Let’s pray.  Dear Father, we thank you that you see, know, and understand everything that we are facing, whether good or bad.  We thank you for giving us peace to quiet or anxious thoughts and hearts.  We will trust you in all things.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Felicia Tucker
Hi friends! My name is Felicia Tucker and I am married to my best friend, Jonathan. We are raising three kids, Matthew, Madelyn, and Ethan. By day I am the Director of Women's Basketball at Georgia State University My world consists of fostering a healthy marriage and nurturing my children while integrating that into my career. It is never a dull moment! I am learning how to enjoy the small moments, not sweat the small stuff and go to sleep with the toys strewn over the living room floor. I am a huge college basketball fan and I love the great outdoors.

One thought on “3 Tips to Overcoming Anxiety

  1. Felicia, this is a great post! I too have experienced some of the losses you mentioned and as a result I became overwhelmed with anxiety. This part was the highlight for me…. “ He is constantly at work in our lives even when we can’t see it, even when we feel overwhelmed by work and motherhood. Trust the God of the universe and sleep well tonight. He is ready to move mountains for His children.”

    Thank you so much for sharing!

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