5 Ways Working Moms Can Find Time for Fitness

When you are a working mom, after a long day at work, the last thing you might want to do is workout. Trying to encourage yourself to find time for fitness is pretty difficult, especially during the winter. Long work days and short amounts of time with daylight tend to cause working moms to miss our on going to the gym. However, it is important that we stop missing out on going to the gym and figure out how to make time for fitness. Here are five ways to help you get started.

1. Create a schedule

One important way to find time for fitness is to use  a planner for working moms. It might seem silly to start scheduling your gym time. But by the second or third week that you have done this and are managing to get there, it will be an accomplishment. Pick days of the week that you know will work best and include those in your weekly fitness schedule. When you have your days planned, you can hold yourself accountable for the time scheduled in. You use a schedule when it comes to work and family, why not when it comes time for the gym? By creating a schedule, it will help you stay accountable and find time for fitness.

2. Find a gym that has classes

Another great way to find time for fitness is to find a gym that has fitness classes. Fitness classes help you to actually go to the gym because if you cancel the class before going, there is a chance that they might charge you for missing the class. Plus, it helps you keep the times of the classes in your calendar. If you are just going to the gym on your own time, then you have less of a reason to stay accountable. When there are sign-ups for classes involved, the chances are more likely that you will attend.

3. Take turns

When trying to find time for fitness before or after work, something can always come up. This is where you need some help. Call in your husband for help. If you are both looking to get back in shape, take turns going to the gym and watching the kids. Maybe every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, your husband will pick the kids up from school or daycare and you can go to a gym class. Switching off every other day allows both of you to find the time to work out. When your husband is unable to make that commitment time wise, get the help of grandparents or a babysitter. Belong to a gym that has a daycare program? Bring your kids with you! Then it is a fun experience for your kids too.

4. Determine the time of day

Are you a morning or a night person? Determine the best time of the way that will be best for you to workout and stick with it. If it’s the mornings, make sure to get up early and get out of the house. Working out after work really does require a schedule because of the amount of events that will come up. Make the best of the time of day that you choose and make sure you have enough time to get a full workout in.

5. Utilize Saturday Morning’s

Saturday morning’s are always best for sleeping in. But we know when we have kids, that sleeping in is not really a thing anymore. So why not take advantage of Saturday morning and bring the whole family to work out. If that is not an option, then get the family together and go for a hike, swimming, run a race or even strolling through a town. Getting out and about on the weekend with the family can help you find time for fitness. It also helps everyone stay in shape too.

Finding time for fitness is not an easy task, especially if it is a last priority. Getting the whole family involved and keeping a schedule can help keep you accountable for your workouts. Stay motivated and know that even if you are a working mom, it is possible to still find time for fitness.

Jennifer O'Shea
Jennifer O’Shea is a freelance writer and owner of <a href="http://www.teachworkoutlove.com">TWL </a>. TWL covers the basics: motherhood fitness, & balancing work. TWL also sells Zyia Activewear clothing and is co-owner to a Influencer Facebook Group, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/mombloggerstribe/?source_id=209276013182387">Influential Mamas</a>.

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