A Date with Detox: Taking Care of Me

I can remember the time I took my first detox bath. I also remember the condition of my body and mind around that time. I was stressed, consumed with joint pain, back pain, chronic headaches, insomnia and fatigued at the same time. I needed to take a pause from it all ad take care of me. My body was in a toxic state and I had to make a quick change so, I started doing research on ways to expel toxins from my body.

While eating natural, clean detox foods is one way to eliminate waste, detox baths are also an effective way to cleanse toxins from your body. We are exposed to toxins every day from the food we eat to the personal care products that we use. A detox is simply a way to eliminate these toxins. There are abundant benefits to detox but here are some reasons to enjoy a detox bath

  • Increased energy
  • Improve the absorption of nutrients
  • Prevent head aches
  • Better functioning of muscles and nerves
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Decreases stress

I began creating my own detox bath tea recipes which included minerals, herbs, essential oils and healing flowers. I would soak for 20 minutes each week in a hot, steamy tub that included my special bath tea recipe. I started feeling better, skin cleared up, I felt lighter, and no more joint and back inflammation. The detox baths were something I looked forward to each week and I noticed that I was less stressed on the night after my soaks.  I also got some of the best sleep ever.  You may be experiencing the same symptoms that I was experiencing. Maybe all you need is to soak and cleanse. Here are some other signs that your body may be telling you to detox.

  •   Acne
  • Headaches
  • Joint pain
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Premenstrual disorders
  • Bloating
  • Muscle ache
  • Dark and puffy circles under your eyes

detoxDetox Bath Instructions:
1. Drink plenty of water before your bath. Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!
2. Add 1/2 cup of baking soda, 1/4 cup of epsom salt and 8 drops of essential oils (lavender and chamomile are favs).
3. Burn your favorite candle but blow it out when you exit the bathroom.
4. Bring your relaxation playlist or Pandora radio
5. Relax in tub for at least 20 minutes or go as long as you can take it.
6. You will sweat while in the tub and a while after you get out of tub so be prepared.
7. Moisturize your skin with coconut oil or a natural moisturizer.
8. Drink more water.
9. Rest and have the best sleep ever!


Other Resources:

DIY Bath Recipes

Citrus Vanilla Bath Salts: Back at the Ranch

Bath Salts: The Healthy Honeys

Cleansing Bath For Kids: Kula Mama

Bath Recipe: Homemade Mommy

Oh Bethel

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