Traveling with Little Ones During the Holidays

The holidays are creeping closer, and with that comes traveling with little ones!  Regardless of how your family is traveling this year, we’ve got you covered with the best tips and tricks for flying or driving with children.  There’s no need to be afraid of melt-downs in the airport or accidents in the car.  We’re going to cover all the bases.   It’s natural for moms to worry about accidents before they occur, but try to give yourself a break this year. Keep these lists handy when traveling with kids and spend the time enjoying the adventure with your family.

Flying Must Do’s
Getting that seat for the baby can make for a smooth flight!

Flying with children is chaotic. The stress is overwhelming, and getting yourself, nevertheless an entire family to the airport is tiresome.  However, these trips will cause less anxiety with a little planning and preparation. Here’s a rundown of the best “Do’s” when flying with children.

  • Check the baby stroller at the gate.  This means after a long flight, the baby/child can pop right into a familiar space, and get the family moving easier.
  • Always change the baby’s diaper and/or get kids to the restroom before the flight.  Airplane bathrooms are notoriously small. It’s hard enough to use them yourself, let alone with a child.
  • While having the baby on your lap may be cheaper, spare your sanity and get the extra seat. Giving your little one space to move freely in a seat can avoid unneeded melt-downs.  If you’re lucky, they may even fall asleep in the seat from the motion of the plane (fingers crossed)!
  • Definitely ditch the fancy baby diaper bag and swap it out with an easily transportable backpack.  The backpack can serve dual purposes as both a diaper bag and your purse.  Also, backpacks are more comfortable than juggling a purse and diaper bag at the security checkpoint and having your hands free is a huge bonus.
Flying Must Have’s
Enjoy the moments and making memories while traveling this year!

Traveling is already stressful. Sometimes just making it in and out of the airport smoothly is a super high-five kind of experience.  Little ones have the ability to throw us curve balls and sometimes, no matter how well we prepare, they will have strong emotional reactions due to the over stimulation.  Here is a list of must have items that parents can take with them as secret weapons to neutralizing these sticky situations.

  • The dollar store has an entire isle dedicated to random toys for kids.  This is a great place to stock up on child friendly items.  Grab a few toys for super cheap and keep them on hand.  Keep those kids distracted.
  • Teething babies – Try bringing a mesh-net hand-held fresh food feeder and use apples to keep a babies ears pressure free.  Biscotti is also great, with the ability to let the baby gnaw but also keeping those ears open and clear.  Also, teethers you can hang around your neck can be a life saver.
  • Snacks, snacks, snacks!  It’s easy to give into sugary snacks to keep kids quiet, but try handing over foods which don’t contain so much sugar.  Sugar equals highly energetic  behavior and horrible crashes.
  • Baby wipes are an essential staple for all traveling parents!  These must have’s wipe up drool, accidents, blow noses, and even give mom a quick way to wash faces when getting off the plane.
On the Road with Kids

Long hours spent in a car with kids is also super stressful, however, the ability to have a little more freedom of movement can be more appealing to some parents.  While the hours spent driving over flying may be longer, the affordability and the comfort of being with just family can be an ideal situation.  Kids can sleep, watch cartoons, play games, and even have a mini melt-downs without public judgement.  Here are some of the best ways to travel long distance in a car with kids.

Must-Do’s with Kids in a Car
Keeping kids entertained on the road is totally doable!

Being stuck in a car can be hectic for adults, and being in a car with kids during along trip is especially chaotic!  It’s important to plan ahead.  Find unique spots along your route and take pictures for amazing family memories.  Make the most of your time by playing all the games you played as a young child on the road.  The kids will love learning new games and you’ll love reminiscing. Here’s a list of other tips that can make car travel easier:

  • Make sure to plan out the route ahead of time.  Figure out rest stops and gas stations along the way that .  And remember to plan on getting everyone out of the car and stretch every so often.
  • is a great tool to use that can be used for finding the best stunning views of America.  One of advantages of using the downloadable app is seeing live traffic conditions.  It also has features you can use offline.
  • Clean the car and get it serviced before driving. The last thing you need to worry about when traveling with the family is whether or not the car is going to have troubles along the way.
  • Consider renting a larger vehicle than what you currently own.  Giving the kids a space of their own makes them feel more at ease and comfortable on long trips.
  • A cooler packed with easy go-to foods & drinks is a must-have!  Simple & easy foods such as spill-proof drinks, crackers, and mini-sandwiches are super easy to put together and transport. There are coolers available that will plug into the 12-volt port of the vehicle so you don’t have to worry about keeping food cold.  Also, no need to worry about ice.
Must-Have’s with Kids on the Road

Have a game plan for accidents such as spills, mishaps, and car-sickness.  Stock up and create a tote that can be easily accessed with baby wipes, tissues, extra chargers for electrical devices, batteries, trash bags, Ziploc bags, and extra headphones (just in case).  Check out these must-have items that will come in handy when traveling and make a long haul turn into an easy fun-loving trip!

  • Books, activity books, coloring books, kids favorite crayons, and fun-pads are always a parent’s go-to when keeping children occupied.
  • A child’s favorite blanket, pillow and stuffed animal are great items to have handy when traveling.
  • Quiet toys and glow sticks are super easy to keep kids quiet.  Traveling through big cities can be stressful, and quiet toys are a must!  Glow sticks can be used when traveling at night for additional light and fun.
  • A large family-sized notepad can be used for playing family games such as Pictionary, hang-man or other word games, and don’t forget the road trip ABC game (keeping track of items found).
Enjoy the Moments

However your family is traveling this year,  using these go-to tips can help keep the stress levels of everyone at a minimum.  Traveling should be fun and not a time to be anxious.  As a parent, you already know your child’s likes and dislikes, however, it’s just the ability to encompass all of those little quirks on a plane or in a car.  To all of the parents traveling this year, we wish you the best!

We’d love to hear from you and how your holiday trip with the family turned out!  Do you have tricks of your own you use when traveling with little ones you’d like to share?  Let us know what they are!  Happy Holidays to all of you!

Tarrah LaPolla
A native from Arizona transplanted into the Floridian beach life. A mom, wife, columnist, blogger, and full-time working entrepreneur. Looking to find balance in a busy world, and teaching my kids as much as I can along this journey!

One thought on “Traveling with Little Ones During the Holidays

  1. Great read! It’s gotten easier as the children have gotten older, but I still get a great deal of angst. Then I have to remember…enjoy the moment!

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