Avoiding the Holiday Binge: Making Healthy Holiday Choices

Let’s face it, the holiday’s are a tough time to eat healthy. Most healthy eating habits are hard to keep when you’re surrounded by smells of pies, cookies, breads and candy. It isn’t just the flavors which draw us in, but the feelings that go along with those foods we grew up with. Comfort, nostalgia, and fondness. Comfort food and home cooking has a way of connecting us to our memories.  Not to mention that holidays have a way of bringing memories of friends and family to the forefront of our minds. Still, healthy choices can still be made while enjoying the holidays with family. The key is to eat in moderation and not allow ourselves to over indulge and spiral out of control.

” All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.” 1 Corinthians 6:12. 

This scripture is important to remember because it’s easy to set ourselves up for failure. We either binge or diet and neither works. While we allow the control of the Holy Spirit to work in our lives and help us make healthy choices, there are things we can do to take an active part in those choices. Here are some useful tips that may help you:

Keeping Track

Nothing helps avoid binges like keeping track of what and how much you eat. A calorie counter app such as My Fitness Pal, does just that. When you keep yourself accountable and stay under a certain amount of calories per day, you can go ahead and enjoy those holiday favorites albeit in moderation.  Choosing a healthy breakfast and lunch means you can enjoy your favorite holiday treats at the company Christmas party that night. Eating a salad for lunch means you can have your mother’s cookies in the afternoon with a cup of tea. Just know what you are eating and how much.

Red Ceramic Mug on Gray Wooden SurfaceBring in the Substitutes

Regardless of what time of year it is, many have health issues such as food allergies or diabetes which require you to be extremely careful of what you eat.  Watching your sugar and carbohydrate intake may already be a part of your routine.  For those who are not already in that mindset, scout around online before the holidays to find substitute foods for the ones you know you will be tempted by. In recent years, cauliflower has become a substitute for wheat flour in many products and can be found in foods such as mashed potatoes and pizza crusts. Plant-based substitute sugars can be added to favorite recipes to help reduce your sugar intake, and gluten free treats are easy to find on Pinterest and even your local store.

Plan Ahead

Knowing what you are facing by attending the company Christmas party or heading over to a family member’s house for Christmas dinner can seem overwhelming when you are limited in your food consumption. However, planning ahead and bringing replacement food with you that you really enjoy helps to overcome temptations. This can be a treat you look forward to instead of dreading having to overcome the temptation and possibly giving into the binge madness the holidays seem to create.

Pick and Choose

When you find yourself surrounded by an assortment of delicious snacks and treats, one idea is to choose your absolute favorite and just have that. Deprivation can set you up for failure, but if you allow yourself to indulge in having a little of your favorite item, you’ll have a sense of reward instead of loss.

Remember Why Your Do It

Having a strong sense of the reasons why you’re making certain decisions for yourself is important for success. For some, it’s health reasons. For others, it’s keeping weight off.  Unfortunately, it’s easy to lose sight of the why behind our choices when temptation comes calling. Remembering your reason for why can help keep you on track.

Try making your phone wallpaper something that will remind you of your why. Make yourself a poster with all of the reasons you’ve decided to make healthy eating choices, and put it at the office where you can see it regularly. When you consistently remind yourself of the why, it’s can be easier to resist the temptations that could derail you.

Find a Partner

Going it alone during the holiday’s while everyone else eats til their heart’s content is no fun. Try finding someone to partner with who is trying to make the same kinds of commitments as you.  Check-in with that person on a regular basis to show support and gain confidence in what you are trying to accomplish. Having someone to turn to for support can sometimes make all the difference.

Adjust Your Focus

When something tempting is staring you in the face, try looking away. As a culture, the center of our focus during family gatherings is around food, especially during the holidays. If you’re trying to be healthy, turning your focus towards the real reason for the holiday can help remind you of the reasons for celebrating.  That reminder can make it easier to resist binges before the even start.

Sometimes, self-control can fall by the wayside during the holiday season. By utilizing some or all of the tips above,  you can navigate through the endless heaps of sugary treats and other unhealthy but delicious food you’ll be faced with. Give them a try and always remember, all things in moderation.

Do you have any tips or tricks you use to help you eat healthy during the holiday season? We’d love for you to share them!  Let us and others know what works for you.  Maybe they can help us all stay a little healthier.

Happiest of Holidays to you all!

Shannon Trigos
Shannon Trigos is a mom and executive director of a small non-profit. She is in school for her Master’s degree in journalism and enjoys art, music and nature.

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