Exercise with Your Spouse: Built in Quality Time

Some busy mothers may find it difficult to exercise, while taking care of their family. After a long day of work and tending to your family, resting is the only thing on your mind. But having children and getting married should not put an end to losing weight or staying in shape. A lot of people dread exercising (many of you may be rolling your eyes now), but we all know that it is one of the important keys to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It’s true that exercising for some can be less exciting when done alone. We all need at least one accountability partner to push us while working out.

Exercising with a partner is helpful for several reasons:

    1. You can motivate each other.
    2. Workouts will be more fun.
    3. You’ll push yourself more than you would if you were working out alone .
    4. Personal training or group classes will be more affordable.

But keep in mind that a workout partner is not limited to your girlfriend, sister or coworker, but a workout partner can also be your spouse. A spouse? Yes, a spouse. Working out with a spouse can be very fun. A friendly competition never hurt anyone and competition between a couple can be very exciting and something you both can look forward to. Every couple at some point in time have competed against each other, whether playing a game or determining who cooks the best. The same competitive spirit can be used while exercising as an attempt to motivate each other and hold each other accountable.

Working out with a spouse is also a good way for a couple to become fit and healthy together. Having your spouse actively involved in your workout regime makes it much easier. Your partner will understand what goals you are trying to achieve and will be attempting those same goals.  A study published in Prevention Magazine found that couples who workout together stick to their workout plan.  A good workout is a good stress reliever, especially between a married couple. Stress can cause unhappiness and when a couple is unhappy, the relationship becomes tense. Exercising together can decrease the stress and increase the communication, bringing a couple closer together. Most couples will spend at least one hour exercising together. During that one hour, its gives a couple an opportunity to discuss their day, flirt or even be affectionate towards one another. It’s built in quality time!

exercise with a spouseIt’s important to plan ahead and become familiar with each other’s schedule to ensure that a selected time works best for the both of you. If you have small children, you should make arrangements with a babysitter or if exercising at a gym, you should seek any available child care programs. If on a budget, it is important to note that exercising with a spouse does not always have to take place at a gym. It can take place in the comfort of your own home, with small and inexpensive equipment. The use of an exercise ball is a simple and fun routine for a couple to use together. An exercise ball can be used several ways in order for both of you to work out your arms and legs. Even if you don’t have any type of equipment in your home, exercising is still an option. Other exercise routines that can be done in the home includes jumping jacks, sit ups and pushups. If willing to work out outside of the home, a quick walk or jog in the neighborhood would suffice. Exercising with your spouse does not have to be difficult. There are many options suitable to fit your individual needs. Don’t look at it as a daunting task, but as something fun and challenging to do together.

Monica Moore
My name is Monica and I currently reside in Hampton Roads Virginia. I received my Bachelors degree in Psychology from Norfolk State University and my Masters degree in Criminal Justice from Troy University. I am currently working on a second masters degree in Script Writing and I am attending Regent University. I have always held an interest in writing and I recently completed a fiction novel. In my free time I enjoy going to the movies, shooting pool, reading, writing and traveling. I am looking forward to informing others of various topics in the Bibs and Business Magazine.

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