Mom Life: Keeping Marriage Spicy Post Baby

working mom and marriage

Bringing a baby to this world is a huge and exciting event. Indeed, babies bring a lot of joy into our lives but it isn’t possible to deny that they bring equally a lot of challenges. As if pregnancy and childbirth aren’t challenging enough, when there is a baby in the house you have a load of new things to deal with. Suddenly,  you are continually sleep-deprived and have no time for anything but feeding, changing diapers, and washing bottles and clothes.

When you are overwhelmed by all these new obligations, sex isn’t the first thing on your mind. Even if you had an amazing sexual and romantic life before the little one arrived it is quite likely that you are finding it difficult to connect with sexual desire after pregnancy. Also, it is possible that even if you feel desire, you can’t get sexual pleasure after pregnancy.

We’ve compiled some suggestions to help you rediscover intimacy within your marriage. From naked time to being creative, we hope these tips are useful to bringing joy and spice back into your sex life.

Be Encouraged

Some women may have post-partum depression or suppressed sexual desire due to breast feeding. Others may simply be exhausted or anxious. You should know that it is not your fault that you don’t desire sex. Most husbands are understanding if we are open and honest about how we feel. Take the Mister with you to your follow up doctor visit, explain to your doctor how you are feeling about sex, breast feeding, etc. and allow the doctor to provide feedback. This will give your husband an opportunity to hear first hand what your body is going through. If they understand, they will empathize.

Forget That You Are Parents for Some Time

Many new parents get so involved in baby duties that they consume them entirely, and they forget that they exist outside of these roles. Remember who you and your partner are besides just being mom and dad.Try reconnecting with all the things you love and what attracts you to one another.

Ask one of the grandparents to take care the baby, or if they aren’t living close to you, call a babysitter and go out for a date with your partner. Many new parents are afraid to do this because they think it will indicate that they are bad parents for leaving the baby. Clear your mind of these kinds of thoughts. When you are taking time for yourself it doesn’t mean that you are neglecting your parental duties. It just means that you are a human being with needs and desires that don’t always include children.

Think About Yourself

working mom and self careExperts say that taking care of your physical and mental health has a significant effect on your sexual health after pregnancy as well. As a new mother, you are so consumed by your baby’s needs that you forget your own. Even the basic needs, like eating, drinking enough water, and sleeping can be neglected. If you used to go for long walks or take a fitness class to recharge your batteries and clear your mind before giving birth, you should continue with this routine after as well.

Work on Your Creativity

Maybe your desire isn’t there for intercourse, but there are other ways to connect with your husband. Think about different ways to play sexually, or just simply kiss long and passionately and so on. The most important thing is that you do things that you enjoy and slowly your desire will grow. Be patient with yourself and ask your husband to be patient with you.

Be Naked with Your Partner

One of the reasons for loss of sexual desire after pregnancy can be a poor body image. Yeah, you are aware that your body went through significant changes during pregnancy and that you just gave birth.

Embrace those changes! You just birthed a human being. Look at yourself in the mirror and be proud of the miracle you were a part of.

As you build confidence in your image, you are more likely to desire sexual intimacy with your husband. Another way to build confidence is by being naked alone or with your husband – you can have a shower together, lay in bed naked while kissing and caressing each other, and so on.

The most important thing is to find ways to spend quality time with your husband. Indeed, the baby comes first, and you want to make sure that all of their needs are perfectly satisfied. But you must not forget that you are not just Mommy, you are also a woman with needs of your own. What did you do to keep love alive after childbirth?

*Please seek medical assistance if needed. Post-partum depression, anxiety, and discomfort during intercourse are all concerns that should be discussed with your medial provider.

Rachel Burns
Rachel Burns is an experienced copywriter and photographer with a design diploma. She works with startups, entrepreneurs, bloggers and companies from around the world. You can learn more about Rachel by visiting In addition to writing articles and promotional materials, she enjoys hiking, reading, cooking and spending time with her family.

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