Steals and Deals: Shopping on a Budget

Kids, bills and responsibilities lead most of us to consider how we spend money. Most times activities and plans are dependent upon whether or not it fit into a budget. Shopping is no different. Second-hand shopping, the more budget-friendly shopping option, is my happy place. I don’t know if it is the thrill of finding those rare items I didn’t know I needed at a reduced price I can afford, or if it is the quality time I get to spend with my family, but it makes me smile inside.

As I make my way through the card tables laden with items, I scan over them letting myself be drawn to what stands out the most. That item I have been wanting to purchase, (but have put at the bottom of the list because it doesn’t fit the budget), will jump out at me every time, filling me with child-like excitement.

Great Deals

The deals you can find at a yard sale, thrift shop or consignment shop are truly amazing. It always blows my mind to see a $2.00 Gap jean jacket that will be perfect for my son starting school in September, or the Instant Pot, new in the box for $5.00. They average from $100.00 to $170.00 at Kohl’s.

And then there are books. All three places are fantastic locations for adding to your collection without spending much at all. It’s like shopping used on without paying the shipping. Heaven.

Thrift Shops

My community’s local thrift shop is amazing. It opens at 10:00 a.m. and there is a line at the door. All proceeds go to support the local hospital, so you already feel good about spending money. True story.

We file in through the door and go to our favorite sections, foraging as we go to see what has been added since the last time we visited. We stop and gab with an old friend or say hello to a stranger as we swap places at the clothes rack.

Frequenting these second-hand stores really is beneficial when you know the ones with the highest quality clothes and the lowest prices. Very rarely do I buy new clothes for me or my family members. There are several thrift shops and consignment stores in our area and we are all yard sale junkies. With those two factors, we all dress well, with much variety and for much less than we would if we bought the brand name items new in the store or online.

The Clash

With such great deals, it is easy to have too much stuff. This can make for a stressful atmosphere. It can feel so good to find quality cheap items, that our tendency is to fill our houses to overflowing until we have no room left.

With minimalism making a come-back from the 60’s, the urge to de-clutter has been tempting the best of us. And let me tell you: Minimalism and second-hand shopping often clash. But here’s the secret. They don’t have to.

5 Tips to Shop Second Hand and Not Accumulate Clutter

Here are some tips to consider:

1. Don’t go crazy

We don’t need to buy everything we see just because it is an incredible deal. This takes some self-control, because inside all of us is the urge to take advantage of a deal before it is gone. Weigh the incredible deal with the reality of how much you really need it.

2. Replace Items

When you come across that hard to resist, can’t live without item that is the deal of a lifetime, make sure you are replacing something with it. In other words, get rid of something you don’t really need, before bringing something else into your house. This helps minimize clutter.

3. Haul Out

Go through your house from time to time and look at everything you have to see what continues to have value for you and bring you joy. If it is just a space stealer—ditch it. Or better yet, take it to a thrift shop, consignment store or have a yard sale.

4. Wait to Fall in Love

Sometimes I walk around with an item in my hand for 20 minutes to see if I can or cannot live without the item in question. More times than not, what was once a promising love affair fizzles out and I put the item back.

5. Limitations

If you are finding it difficult to balance between taking advantage of good deals at second-hand stores and keeping your house un-cluttered, set strict limitations for yourself. Allow yourself to only go shopping at these stores when there is a specific item you are in need of. Try doing a monthly shopping trip, or choose just one of your favorite second-hand shops to visit.

Have Fun and Shop Smart

Shopping smart is something mom’s love to do but with busy schedules it’s not always east. Second-hand shopping helps make it easy, and if you couple it with tips for a smaller item home, you will have fun making smart buying choices at your favorite second-hand shops.

Bringing home a Ralph Lauren shirt to your man, an Elsa doll or Star Wars Lego set for your children, or finding a book you have wanted to read to your kids for years, will be sure to bring a smile to the whole family—including you.

Shannon Trigos
Shannon Trigos is a mom and executive director of a small non-profit. She is in school for her Master’s degree in journalism and enjoys art, music and nature.

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