A Moment for Mom: Self-Care at Home

The Coronavirus has caused all of us to completely alter our ways of life. The world as we knew it has been turned on its head. And probably now more than ever, we could all use a little self-care. Many moms are homeschooling children for the first time. This itself is reason to pamper yourself, ladies! This is undoubtedly tough and you’re faced with challenges that weren’t even a thing when you were in school. You’re hyper-managing household supplies and shopping lists and many of you are trying to do these things while trying to hold down a paycheck often while you’re propped up against your headboard or perched at your kitchen table.

This new world is unsettling, exhausting, and temporary. And you will get through it best if you give yourself the grace to have a little ol’ me time! And what better time than now? Even if you don’t have a spouse or older children who can manage the household for an hour or two while you check out, just being at home with a little extra time on your hands is a perfect time to pamper yourself. Now’s a great time to enjoy things you typically don’t make time for even if it’s just painting your toenails and enjoying a handful of chocolates while the baby naps.

I surveyed several moms on social media—some with young kids, some with teens—and asked them, “If you could enjoy a little “me time” while safe at home, how would you choose to spend it?”

Their top treats that make the perfect mom’s day in:
  • Bubble bath or shower with music (no time limit!).
  • Going for a walk outside alone.
  • More time alone for prayer.
  • Listening to Podcast or favorite artist.
  • Pampering beauty treatment like hair or skin mask.
  • Scented candles.
  • A glass of wine (in moderation).
  • Some chocolate.
  • Fresh flowers placed around the house.
  • Exercise.
  • Being able to sleep in just a little.
  • Journaling.
  • A warm cup of tea.
  • Learning a new craft or enjoying a favorite hobby.

But maybe self-care for you is different. Let’s break down this word, self-care. It simply means caring for yourself, and it has become such a hot button word in the mom world because we often  spend our lives caring for others. Self-care is  personal and subjective. It is finding something that makes YOU feel cared for.  Organizing the pantry or making scrapbooks for your children can be self-care too.

There is no one size fits all approach to self-care. Do what makes you feel good about yourself instead of building your self-care around what other’s have labeled it to be.

Other Ideas for Self-Care
  • Binge watching your favorite show.
  • Creating an old school playlist of high school/college classics.
  • Doing your make-up (just to feel good).
  • Learning a new dance on YouTube.
  • Going to therapy (virtual sessions available).
  • Organizing your closet.
  • Redecorating your favorite room.
  • Focusing on your start-up business idea.
  • A good book.
self-care for momsFinding Time

The bigger question is how do we find time for self-care. The assumption is that with all this time at home we have plenty of time to relax and take a break from the normal stresses of life. The reality is we have even less time than we had before with the daily Zoom meetings, managing school work for our children, cooking three meals a day and house cleaning.

The best times for moms are early mornings or late nights. For the morning people, carve out fifteen minutes (more if you can) just for you. Use this time to paint your nails, read a book, spend time with God, etc. If you function better at night, once the children are all down for the night, devote some time to yourself.

In any circumstance, incorporating daily peace should be as much of our routine as brushing our teeth. For some, little bites here and there are easier than one whole day of escape. For others, penciling in a whole day away might be best! Whatever works for you, dear woman, know there isn’t anything selfish about self-care. Take good care of your heart and let God take good care of you.

“Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.” (3 John 1:2)

Jamie Gapinski
Writer. Dog Farmer. Old girl grafted in the vine. I'm a writer, dog mom to three golden retrievers. I can't get enough Barry Manilow. I sing a mean "pen karaoke" and I have been known to scrape a birthday cake bald and eat nothing but the frosting. For breakfast. I like auctions and old photos of people I don't know. I'll slap paint on anything that'll sit still long enough. When I can't lose weight, I cut my hair. In my 40's, I found I could grow hair where I didn't even know I had skin. Menopause is weird like that. Back in the day, I had a long-running fitness career. When that ended, my self-esteem deflated like a dollar store balloon and my daily exercise consisted mainly of walking on eggshells, running from my fears and swimming in the depths of regret. But then Jesus. I currently live on a lake in Wisconsin and I enjoy walking, antiquing, live music and all things Italy. I have a BA in English and a MA in Strategic Communications from Regent University.

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