Branding Your Business: Hitting a Home Run with Your Head Shots

As a mother owning your own business, you need to be as professional as possible and on your game at all times. For this to be the case, your website and your portfolio need to be on point – and for that you need head shots. You need to be able to show the world that your business is the best place to go because you are the best person to work with, and when you consider that looking good in a head shot really matters, you will appreciate the tips that we have for you below.

A head shot is going to help your customers to see the face behind the work, and this is going to improve the way that people feel about your business. A head shot can give your business name a face for people to relate to. It is a marketing tool!

With this in mind, here are the tips you need to look great as you take your head shots.

Wear the right outfit.

When it comes to professional head shots, you need to consider how you dress. A business suit is generally appropriate because even though the head shot is just on your face, your shoulders are involved and your collar is, too. Your outfit will make you feel confident and if you know you are rocking a business power suit, you’re going to shine that through your face on the screen. A suit isn’t necessary for every head shot. It really depends on the industry. Just make sure you look professional and that your attire speaks to the impression you want to make.

Say cheese.

A smile goes a  long way. It makes you look personable and friendly. If your teeth get in the way of your smile, teeth whiteners are always a good option. Also, can help correct dental issues that may make smiling uncomfortable.

Use baby wipes.

The lighting during a photo  shoot can give you shiny skin, especially on a hot day or if you’re nervous about getting the right shots. When you take yours, utilize baby wipes before the picture is taken. Baby wipes will get rid of the sheen on your face and make you look a little more refreshed as a result. It’s also a quick and easy way to get your face ready!

Get your hair done.

You need to look professional when you have your head shots taken for your website, so make sure that you have your hair done professionally and ensure that it’s up for the shot. With your hair back off your face, people can see your smile and know that you have a face that they can trust. This is so important when it comes to relating to your clients!

Sit up straight.

Yes, you’re in a chair, but people will feel less confident about using your services if you’re slumped in your seat. Choose to sit up straighter with your shoulders back to show how proud you feel of your business. Keep your chin up and show your confidence to the camera.

A business head shot is your way to relate to your clients. They can see you and know that you are the face to be trusted.

Georgina Holliday

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