Double Duty: Balancing Twins and a Business

Sarah Syverson is a business owner, single mother to twin 6-year-old boys.  She is  all too familiar with the struggles of balancing time.  Time for each child, time together as a family, as well as time for herself.  Fortunately, I had an opportunity to speak with Sarah and get her insight on being an entrepreneur, working a traditional job, and being a single mother to twins.  Sarah reveals how she does it, the role her faith plays in her life, and her tips on finding time for everything!

Kristin Westergard (KW): How did you get into tax preparation? 

Sarah Syverson (SS): I was working at a large tax prep business and would sit there all day and prepare 1-2 tax returns while making $10/hour.  The business charged clients hundreds of dollars for something they were required to do.  I decided I could work from home doing the same thing, work less hours, charge less, and make more money.

Business and Motherhood

KW: How do you balance running your own business and being a full time mom?

SS: I am fortunate to have my village to help me with my kids during tax season.  When I first started on my own, I was only working a few hours a week.  Now I’m nearly up to full-time hours.  I plan my clients, as much as I can, around my kids schedules.  I try to schedule clients when the kids are with their dad.  I also make sure to plan time with no clients and nothing else going on, that we can just hang out or do something special together.

KW: What advice would you give to other entrepreneur moms?

SS: First, make sure you take time for your kids and family.  My kids fully understand that helping clients is my job but I try hard to make sure to  set time aside just for them.   Any time together can be meaningful, even if that means we play a quick game or just eat dinner together.  Next, communicate with them and allow them to ask questions or express how they’re feeling.  This also includes when they’re acting up at inopportune times. Remember, kids are allowed to have their feelings about things, just as adults do!

Lastly, don’t feel guilty for taking time away from work to spend with your family.  Find a balance that works for you.

Self-Care: Making It a Priority

KW: What’s your favorite way to relax or wind down after the stresses of working and parenting?

SS: I love to spend time with family, but when I get some time completely to myself, I enjoy reading, quilting and baking.  I am not good at sitting around so relaxing to me is also cleaning and getting my life organized.

KW: How do you balance being a full time mom, running your own business and still making time for yourself?

SS: It help’s that my kids’ dad has them most weekends.  Also, with my full time job being Monday through Friday, so many weekends I get to have some me time. 

KW: What was your biggest struggle when creating your business?

SS: Building up the business has been the hardest part.  Social media is a huge help in getting in touch with new customers, but there are so many options for people these days.  Social media is huge at creating awareness for my business and connecting with everyone.  Most people don’t read the paper anymore, and phone books are a thing of the past, so advertising has been a struggle.

KW: What is your favorite part about being an entrepreneur?

SS: I get to set my hours, all income goes to me rather than someone else, and I love getting to know my clients when I see them year after year!

Faith and Inspiration

KW: Who is your biggest inspiration?

SS: Actually, I have a couple!  Rosa Parks, ever since I was a little girl.  I loved that she stood up, or sat down rather, for what she believed in, and made change happen.  The other would be my grandfather.  He worked hard every day of his life, to make a life for his family, and worked his way up to a leadership position at his company.  He has the respect of everyone that meets him, and everyone in the county knows who he is.  He’s kind, yet firm, funny, and the most intelligent person I know. 

KW: How does your faith play a role in being an entrepreneur mom?

SS: My faith has allowed me to be doing what I am doing. Without my faith in God, I would never have found this passion or pursued this dream.

Sara’s story inspires us all to pursue our dreams, no matter what obstacles we face. How has her story inspire you?

Kristin Westergard
Kristin Westergard is a mom and stepmom of two beautiful girls, ages 4 months and 3 years old. She has a Bachelor's of Science in Communication with an emphasis in both Journalism and Intercultural Communication. In her free time she enjoys spending time with her family (especially outdoors), researching true crime and cooking/baking.

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