Family Time Overload: Giving Yourself and Your Children Space to Just Be

Dealing with this pandemic and so many uncertainties can be a stressful time in the family structure. Many mothers are forced to play more than one role in the family. Moms all over the world are finding themselves being summer camp directors, guidance counselors, and still working from home.

How many times a day do you hear, Mom, Mommy, Mama, Ma? Sounds like a broken record right? It can be hard being in the house day-in and day-out with your family. They feel the same way! Trust me! We all need a break from each other. We all need space. We all need time alone.

“By being free from social interactions and their constraints, one of the most common experiences deriving from solitude is creativity, spiritual growth, and time to explore values and goals without interference or distraction,” said psychologists from Psychology Today.

Here are some ideas for space during this time.

For the Children

1. Plan a scheduled time apart activity. Spending time together is a wonderful bonding experience but we all need time alone. Maybe schedule a quiet hour during the day where everyone can do something that they enjoy (reading, napping, etc).

2.  Play time alone for ten. Allow your children to play alone for ten minutes each day. Send one outside, send one to their room to play with toys, etc.

3. Educational game time in separate rooms. Break out the tablets and let then all have a few minutes of fun while learning in different locations of the house.

4. Let them write it out. Buy each of your children a journal and give them five minutes to write down their thoughts and feelings each day.  This will help them learn to express themselves.

space for momFor Mom

1. Wake up early to spend with the Lord during your time apart from the family. This may look like reading the bible, prayer or just mediating on the goodness of God. This will help to rekindle and rejuvenate your spiritual life.

2. Take a five minute closet break, grab your headphones and listen to some relaxing music.

3.  Leave the kids with Dad, grandma or hire help and then get out of that house (make sure you and Dad take turns…give him a break from the chaos too).

4. Hey Mom, grab a journal! Write down how you are felling when you are spending time apart from the family. This might be a great practice for bedtime. Studies have shown that people who write down their feelings have a much better chance of coping with crisis in their lives.

These are just some of the ways your family can spend time apart and enjoy so much needed time alone. Remember in all things we are more than conquerors through Him that loves us. Romans 8:37. Stand strong, in this battle we will win!

Shaunda Richardson

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