A queen in her own right. A queen whose crown may tip or slide to the side; however, a crown that does not fall. A queen who is a mother, a caregiver, a significant other, and an example to emulate repeatedly.
A queen misunderstood or taken for granted because all they see is just another woman. A woman who has a “generalized role;” however, you are more than just a woman. A woman with goals, who will do all that is necessary for her family.
You wake up early to begin the day of family care. Get yourself ready and prep the kids for school, head to work, getting your mind prepared for the emails you have to respond to, and the afternoon meeting that you’ve yet to prepare for.
Home in time to prepare dinner and help with homework. Homework done and the kids are running around playing without a care in the world. You enjoy seeing the smiles on your kids’ faces because it makes everything worthwhile. Their smiles are what push you throughout the day and makes you want to do more for them in every way.
As you walk in your divine purpose of motherhood, build yourself up with the word of God each day!
Remind yourself of His goodness as you struggle to be the best mom you can be.
Bless the Lord at all times
Thank the Lord for all His wondrous works
Forever tell the world of His goodness
God has removed all hurt and pain
He has replaced it with joy and peace
Open yourself to His will and way
Rejoice and obey all His words
Do not be ashamed of the
One who continues to love and sacrifice for us
Keep His praises in your mouth
Praise God for who He is
Thank you for what you do every day for your children
You are a beautiful queen. A queen that has carried life for nine months and endured good and bad times just to see the beautiful faces of your child. Queen stand tall and continue to wear your crown proudly. You are wonderfully made and beautifully equipped for all things in front of you. Walk forward in your motherly victory. A mother who defies all odds and never gives up on herself or her family. Love yourself, my victorious woman.
These are the words of most “ALL” good women. Thank you for your courage to speak on our behalf. Allow our men to know “We” are one. We too get tired and need you to help us continue our roles as Mother, Wife, Significant other and Caretaker. God Bless You Sis🌺