Hot Fudge Verses: 12 Scriptures to Pray Over Your Children

Raising godly children in a world where spiritual warfare for their minds and souls is taking place on every plane of existence can feel pretty much like going nose to nose with a speeding freight train. But take this to heart, dear sister: we’re not helpless. Not at all. There’s something very real, very strong, and very proactive moms can do to defend and protect our precious children. We can pray.

Never, ever underestimate the power inherent in prayer. Praying is the most and the least we can do for these incredible beings who caused our hearts to leap outside our chests when they were born and stay nestled in our arms ever after.

“What should I pray?” you may be wondering. How about Hot Fudge Verses – scriptures we can pour over our children? We moms are more than willing to storm the fiery gates of hell to remind the hot mess with the proverbial pitchfork who our children really belong to.

But the best way to storm the gates of hell is by storming the gates of heaven.

Which petitions could be more effective than those in the Word ordained by the Creator of the universe? “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword” (Hebrews 4:12 NKJV).

Please do make the time to compile your own go-to list of Hot Fudge Verses, but in the meantime, here are a dozen of mine with which you can start praying. Remember, they’re scriptures tailored as personalized prayers for each specific child.

praying momHot Fudge Verses

(to pour over your children and share with your parents to pray over their grands)

  1. Psalm 3:3 NIV: You are a shield about [child’s name]_______, O Lord; bestow glory on him/her [choose one], and lift up his/her head.
  2. Psalm 25: 16-17 NASB: Turn to _______ and be gracious to him/her, for he/she is lonely and afflicted. The troubles of his/her heart are enlarged; bring _______ out of his/her distresses.
  3. John 14:6 CSB: I know, Lord Jesus, that You are the way, the truth, and the life. Please bring ________ to the Father through faith in You, the Son.
  4. Psalm 71:3 NIV: Be _______’s rock of refuge, to which he/she can always go; give the command to save him/her, for You are his/her rock and fortress.
  5. Psalm 91:11 MSG: Jehovah ordered His angels to guard you, _______, wherever you go. If you stumble, they’ll catch you; their job is to keep you from falling.
  6. Matthew 11:28-29 NKJV:  Jesus, Lord and Savior, I come to You on behalf of ________, who labors and is heavy laden. Please give him/her rest. Lay your yoke upon him/her and teach him/her Your ways, for You are gentle and lowly in heart, and _______ will find rest for his/her soul.
  7. Psalm 138:8 MSG: Finish what you started in _______, gracious GOD. Your love is eternal – don’t quit on him/her now.
  8. Psalm 57:1-3 NLT: Have mercy on _______, O God, have mercy! We look to You for his/her protection. Please hide him/her beneath the shadow of Your wings until this violent storm is past. We cry out to you, God Most High, believing You will fulfill Your purpose for _______, and will send help from heaven to save him/her.
  9. John 8:12 NKJV: Lord Jesus, You are the light of the world. Please compel _______ to follow You so he/she will not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.
  10. Psalm 139:2-3, 7-10 NIV: Master Creator, You know when _______ sits and rises; You perceive his/her thoughts from afar. You discern his/her going out and lying down; You are familiar with all his/her ways … Where can _______ go from Your Spirit? Where can he/she flee from Your presence? If he/she goes up to the heavens, You are there; if he/she makes his/her bed in the depths, You are there. If he/she rises on the wings of the dawn, or settles on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide _______,  Hold him/her fast with your mighty right hand.
  11. John 14:26-27 NASB: Heavenly Father, send the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus to teach _______ what You want him/her to learn, and bring to his/her remembrance all that You’ve said to him/her. Please give _______   peace; Your peace, which the world cannot give. And let his/her heart be not troubled, nor fearful
  12. Psalm 56:8 NLT: Father God, You keep track of all _______’s sorrows; You have collected all his/her tears in Your bottle. You have recorded each one in Your book. On this very day, I call to You for help on his/her behalf. Cause _______’s enemies to retreat; help him/her know that You, Almighty God, are on his/her side.

I’ve found it helpful to keep a list of Hot Fudge Verses in the places I most often utilize as my “prayer closets” –  in the glove box of my rolling cathedral (the best way to turn road rage into prayer and praise), posted on my bathroom mirror for quick reference while getting ready in the morning, and in my purse so I can make productive use of the time in waiting rooms and on bleachers at kids’ practices and sporting events.

You may even find that someone sitting nearby notices and takes an interest in your Hot Fudge Verse list; it’s a great woman readingconversation starter and excellent door-opener to sharing your faith.

Again, I encourage you to create your own list based on your child’s specific needs and circumstances – the Psalms are a great place to start.

I hope that you’ll find praying Hot Fudge Verses over your children to be as power-filled and spiritually provocative as I have. We simply cannot ignore our children’s spiritual welfare in the world in which we live. The stakes are just too high.


*Adapted from Debora’s newest book, Too Blessed to be Stressed for Moms; used by permission of Barbour Publishing.


Debora Coty
Debora M. Coty is a popular speaker and award-winning author of over 200 articles and 40 books, including the bestselling Too Blessed to be Stressed series, with over one million books sold in multiple languages worldwide. She lives, loves, and laughs in central Florida with her longsuffering husband, two grown children, and five grands. Join Deb’s fun-loving community of BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever) at

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