Lord What’s Next: A Prayer for Overwhelmed Moms

“Lord, what’s next?” words my mother used often. Typically, she repeated the phrase more than once.  I can see her so clearly, head in her hands, eyes looking to the floor, her face moving side to side as she wrestled with her Maker.  Until recently, I didn’t realize she was praying.

Not long ago, I found myself doing the same thing.  After a long work week, full of surprises, life didn’t need much to bring me to my knees.  Sitting on the toilet after an arduous cleaning, I rested my head in my hand.  Just like mom, bobbing side to side, murmuring, “Lord, what’s next?”

Life overwhelms us.  Whether you’re dealing with screaming children, a belligerent boss, or pressing financial issues, the battle is raging.  Trying to live up to real and perceived expectations exhausts anyone.  Perhaps the “perceived” expectations, things we think others expect but don’t, cause the most havoc.  But the truth is simple, the only One you need to please is God.  And He loves you just the way you are:

“But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” (Romans 5:8 NIV)

Amid our sin, Jesus died.  Nothing you can do or have done will change God’s love for you.  God doesn’t want you tired; He wants you to rest:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”(Matthew 11:28 NIV)

When I am overwhelmed, the way I connect with God is with a simple prayer.  “Lord, what’s next?”  Uttering the words surrenders my life to Him.  Instead of trying to tackle life alone, I’m letting God lead. 

Unwittingly, mom taught me how to connect with God amid strife.  Three words are all that is necessary to invite God into the mess.  Without a doubt, God is waiting for you to ask…God’s “what next?”

In my situation, I wrote a post about mom on Facebook.  Writing relaxes me and helps me process my emotions, calming me.  Taking time out of my busy day to refocus my attention on God gave me peace.  I realized my stresses were worldly.  Things of this world are temporary; our crown is in heaven.

Your “what next?” is different.  Maybe God will prompt you to take a nap or text a friend for help.  God will give you the strength to do His will for your life.  If you need energy because the kids are going 90 mph, God will provide you with energy.  Maybe you need strength to have a difficult conversation you’re avoiding; God has what you need.  Whatever circumstances are overwhelming your life, God is the answer.  Our problem is we forget to go to the source.

Mom’s simple prayer, “Lord, what’s next?” connected her to the source.  Repeating the prayer until she found her answer. God always guided.  Without fail, God gave her the next task, whatever it was for that day.  Because of her, I’ve learned to do the same.  God’s divine tasks will never overwhelm you.  Jesus took naps.  Sometimes the holiest thing you can do is sleep.

Find a way to connect with God when you’re overwhelmed:

  • Take deep breaths
  • Journal
  • Take a prayer walk
  • Read scripture
  • Listen to a podcast 
  • Turn on worship music
  • Call/text a mentor

Or, you can do what mom taught me.  Sit with your head bowed, resting in your hands, and ask a simple question.  “Lord, what’s next?”

Beth Morrison
I live by a simple motto that comes from Mark 12:30-31: Love God, Love Others. I’m currently working on my master’s in Strategic Communication at Regent University. I have a bachelor’s degree from Christopher Newport University in Business Administration. I’m a lifelong follower of Christ and excited for the next leg of my journey with Him. I’m married to the love of my life, Ron. We live with our fur babies in Newport News, VA.

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