So You Want to Write? Make Money as a Mommy Blogger

Blogging has become a great way to make money from the comfort of your own home, and with the rise of social media and the online world, it’s now possible for anyone to do it. As long as you have a website, a talent for writing, and the passion for working hard, you can make a career or at least a part-time one out of blogging. If you’ve always wanted to blog or you are, and you want more ways to diversify your income so you can blog full-time, here are some tips for doing just that.

Become A Freelance Writer

With blogging, you’re already a seasoned writer within your own right. Whether you’ve collaborated with brands yet or not, you’re creating content, and that content is probably getting read. Regardless of numbers, it’s worth considering extending your writing out to the wider world that lives beyond your blog. Freelance writing is something that every business needs and wants in some capacity. Whether it’s to get content up on their blogs on a daily basis or using your skills as a blogger to ghost write content for other bloggers and publications. There is so much more profitable income that you can make by becoming a freelance writer, so start looking for that work.

A lot of online publications like magazines and newspapers will accept pitches because there’s a lot of opportunities that are just too vast for the in-house staff to take on. Sometimes, they need to create content that’s relevant right now, and being a freelance writer can open those doors. Be prepared to work hard on pitching and reaching out to those individuals who’ll pay you to write good content.

Work With Link-Building Sites

Link-building sites are an affordable way of companies that want to get traffic going to a specific link. They do this by hosting pre-written content, supplied by the link-building company, and this then goes on to a blogger’s site or a generally influential website. As a blogger, this might be worth doing in order to see your blog posting consistently. That improves your appearance to Google and the search engine and hopefully boosts your presence to gain more opportunities. Some of these link-building opportunities might start reaching out more and more as you grow, so make sure you’re taking on a reasonable amount and that there’s a good balance between guest posts and you’re own. You don’t want to make it too much of a commercial machine that you lose its original purpose or niche.

Use Social Media To Influence And Sell

Social media is a great place to be nowadays when you want to make money. If you’re able to create an influence or have a lot of followers, then you can start profiting off the popularity you have. You only need a few thousand to get started on paid collaborations, with a lot of companies seeing 10,000 followers being a suitable amount.

As long as you’ve got high engagement on your posts, that’s all that matters. There are so many individuals now who have managed to create a career from being an influencer, and as a blogger, it might be worth it to improve your own social media platforms. It’s constantly changing, and it’s good to remain relevant!

There’s also affiliate marketing that  can be productive in making that extra bit of money here and there. There are plenty of resources online when it comes to finding out how to start affiliate marketing.

Sell Your Own Products

As a blogger, you might have a loyal following where you have the ability to make them buy what you say is worth buying. A merchandise shop or a place to sell products on your site might be worth adding if it’s something you’ve been considering. And it’s easy to start working with manufacturers or companies who can produce the products you need, or you can make them yourself from scratch. Work out whether you have the following that would buy the merchandise first and then figure out how much you’d need so that you don’t over-order or make too many that you struggle to sell them.

Offer Sponsored Posts To Companies

As a blogger, you may have currently not explored the market to make money yet, and the way this works is by working on sponsored posts. This is where a company pays you to write content, and they sponsor that content by reimbursing you with a financial amount. It’s a great way of earning some money, and the payouts can be quite substantial, depending on what your influence is. It might be in the low amounts, to begin with, but it’s important to know your worth, and it negotiates payments where possible so that you’re benefiting from each and every opportunity.

Reach Out To PR & Marketing Businesses

PR and marketing companies tend to work a lot with businesses to help advertise the brand, the products or services they offer, in a variety of ways. One of the ways they do that is usually through influencers or blogger outreach. And seeing as you’re a blogger, it might be worth getting in touch with some of them and asking to be put on their database.

Start A Second Blog

And finally, when you’ve started creating financial success from one blog, it’s time to diversify it even more by starting a second one. With the knowledge you’ve gained from running the first one, you may find you start making money much quicker than you did before with the first blog. Use your expertise and knowledge from before to try and create a secondary income from another blog. It can end up becoming an empire of blogs that you run consistently, and the more diverse you can make the blog topics, the better.

Diversifying your income as a blogger is important because there’s likely to be months where you experience a dip in your income. Use these tips to help bring in more sources of income, so that you continue to see a profit from doing something that you love and are passionate about.


Georgina Holliday

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