Mompreneur Goals: Starting a Business and Being a Mom

One of the many famous quotes Plato is known for is, “Necessity is the mother of invention.”  One can also say, necessity is the mother of innovation. It’s no surprise mothers are a wealth of both invention and innovation.  It’s probably because of all the skills one develops due to motherhood.  Moms are a natural source of entrepreneurial visions and spirit.  We call them mompreneurs.

Mompreneur: a mother who actively balances the many responsibilities of motherhood along with the many tasks associated with running a part-time or full-time business or side hustle.

You Have the Skills

The desire to seek out your own gifts and talents is within you and can become more intense by necessity.  “You shall remember the Lord God for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to our fathers, as it is this day (Deuteronomy 8:18, ESV).” This passage from Deuteronomy often came to mind as I tapped into the desire to be innovative at a time when I was busy raising my children.

I believe that God has innately gifted mothers with unique and original ways to make provision for their families. It doesn’t hurt that we love doing it. Mothers have many choices that allow them the flexibility to run their families and be their own boss in a hobby, part-time or full-time venture.  Remember, as a mother you’re in the most creative aspect of your life. Not to mention, you’re an intricate part of your most important creation, your children.


I remember my own days as a mompreneur.  Then, entrepreneurship by mothers was looked down on as if I was going to neglect my children while pursuing a business venture. Trust me, the fear of neglecting one’s family responsibilities is a natural part of moms considering combining life goals, dreams, and ambitions with motherhood. I posit, this mindset is often a fallacy of the external expectations of a past and stifling culture. Today, motherhood is different for everyone and so is entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship and innovation go hand in hand. One necessitates the other, and more often than not, is a result of a need. Someone then takes the risk of swimming against the current, meeting the need and bringing about change. The reason for a mother’s desire to pursue a business can vary from creativity to having extra money that allows more choices in life for them and their families. The variety of ways to become a Mompreneur is only limited by your imagination.


Technology has greatly contributed to increasing globalization. This  allows mompreneurs the ability and flexibility to harness desirable business opportunities. Moms can both access the global market as well as be accessible by their families through the same devices.  With technology in the palm of your hand, there are no limits. Moms are starting blogs, selling items on Etsy, and creating courses.

Moms are also creating local businesses like day cares, bakeries and cleaning services. Mignon Moore Hilliard of Gimme Moore Catering and Events in New Orleans has a passion for baking. She started baking cupcakes and cakes for local events and sharing pictures of her creations on social media. The demand for her baked goods has continued to grow and she is often booked solid. She simply took something that she enjoyed doing, stepped out on faith and made it a business.

According to Social Media Examiner’s 2017 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, more than 65% of small businesses are on social media to increase leads. Social media is an awesome tool and a good way to survey the demand for a product, get user feedback and build a brand.

Keep Moving Forward

For a long time, the term entrepreneurship for mothers was thought of as taboo.  Many believed the individual didn’t want to adhere to cultural standards. Moms not completely focused on their families were considered selfish and trouble. In the twenty-first century, the table has turned thanks to technology, globalization, collaboration and innovation. Moms are gaining the opportunity to be a part of changing their life and pursing their dreams, all while adding to their children’s lives. Don’t be afraid to chase your ideas!

If you have a passion, dream, or desire to do something more don’t give up.  There are many ways for moms to become entrepreneurs while staying true to her family responsibilities.  You have many skills just by being a mother which can help you to get started with your own business or side hustle.  Remember, you’re all rock stars. Keep creating, inventing, and hustling.  And may the ideas continue to flow to mompreneurs—the mothers of innovation.

Are you a mompreneur?  Do you have any stories or tips for other mothers thinking about starting their own business venture?  We’d love to hear from you!


Jean M. Williams
Jean Williams, Ph.D., is the Owner/CEO of Blyouprints Consulting. Jean partners, specifically with women, mompreneurs, entrepreneurs, nonprofit, and corporate business leaders to assist them in reaching their life and organizational goals. She is a home educator, entrepreneur, and minister. Jean has been married for 32 years to her sweetheart, best friend, and Pastor, Robert. Jean is a mother of seven children (5 boys and 2 girls) ages 15 to 27 years old. She has a doctorate in organizational leadership, and her areas of expertise are organizational leadership and development, development and change, entrepreneurial leadership, and women in leadership. Her passions and gifts are women’s ministry and writing poetry and positive affirmations to offer inspiration in all areas of life. Life verse: Numbers 23:19 ~God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?

3 thoughts on “Mompreneur Goals: Starting a Business and Being a Mom

  1. Jean! Thank you for your words of encouragement. God has blessed each of us with gifts for His glory. How great it is to move forward in faith as Proverbs 31 women – keepers of the home and business women.

  2. Love the article. It speaks to me and encourages me to not just be comfortable with my singe source of income. Time to work toward my vision.

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