Mompreneuring with a Bang: 2019 Business Goals

2018 was a wonderful year, it gave many mom’s the opportunity to work from home and be with their families at the same time.  However, 2019 is the year of “momprenuering” successfully.  A practical and doable plan ensures utilizing ourselves to the max without burning out.  After all, we are the women that came, conquered, and ran our own businesses while simultaneously caring for children, (a full-time job on its own)!  Let’s own 2019 with these six business and family tactics, ideas that actually work for us, and help ease our already busy lives!

Top Six Ideas  to Use This Year

SMART Goals:

The term “S.M.A.R.T.” comes from an acronym used to help individuals set any type of desired goal(s).  Goal’s for our fellow “momprenuer’s”  can follow the same suite, such as being, (S)pecific, (M)easurable, (A)chievable, (R)ealistic, and (T)imely.  Planning out the week, month, or year doesn’t need to be a chore, especially if it keeps us in line with our vision.  Being very specific with goals is crucial to ensuring that follow through helps move you towards your intended objective.  Making sure to write these goals down, visually unlocks a purpose.  Seeing your plan keeps a focused, drive and pushes a desire to finish strong.

Never be Afraid to Start Over

There are so many times that it can feel as if we keep starting over, re-setting the clock, and falling off the intended path of travel.  This is OK!  Starting over is never a bad thing!  Many organizations and businesses are constantly reprocessing or creating newer and better ways to accomplish tasks.  Part of being an effective momprenuer means evaluating what works, what doesn’t, and revamping our organizational process.  Never giving up is what keeps us strong, determined, and also teaches our children that if we can do it, so can they.  It’s 2019, a brand new year to rethink what is or is not working.  This year let’s work smarter, start over if need-be, and recreate processes that are not in line with making our vision more simplistic and easier to process.

Staying Motivated

There are so many times we start the New Year absolutely motivated, and after returning to our normally scheduled daily-lives the motivation bus stalls out.  Staying motivated is extremely important, and a really positive way to keep an uplifting attitude geared towards meeting those ambitions!  There are so many ways that we can continually keep uplifted and motivated, through the use of free apps such as, “ThinkUp,” “YouVersion” (Bible app), and “Motivation Quotes”.  It is amazing how powerful a quote can hit your soul and help send you into your daily routine with a positive mindset.  There are also websites, audiobooks, and daily calendar’s all dedicated to ensuring we stay motivated throughout the year.  Try this Healthline link for a list of additional motivational apps, including fitness, planning, and habit trackers all geared towards keeping you on task!

Asking for help can alleviate an overload of multi-tasking
Ask for Help

As the CFO of a family, we often feel that we are required to do-it-all.  Sometimes we get bogged down with the day to day routines that can otherwise be delegated to someone else.  There are services that can help eliminate chores that take up large amounts of time.  Grocery services such as Shipt, Instacart, and help you meal plan, and deliver or pick-up groceries without fighting the aisles at busy markets.  Other organizations help with things such as laundry (, or LaundryCareExpress).   These services pick-up, clean, and deliver your family’s  fresh clean laundry.  Asking for help, or finding ways to eliminate additional chores is one way we can work smarter, and not harder.

Choose the Right Time

Working for yourself sometimes means working around the clock…and working some more…into the wee hours of the night.  Stop this practice!  Set a designated time that work starts or stops everyday (depending on hours that you’ve set for your business).  Of course, there will be days we just need 30-more minutes, but please, try not to make this a normal practice.  Setting this business goal, ensures that you are not running yourself ragged.  When individuals constantly stay in a state of critical thinking, analyzing, or working the brain to no end, they are overusing part of the Central Nervous System known as the Sympathetic Nervous System.  When overloaded this part of the body stays in a state of chaotic anxiety.  Make it a priority to get off your computer or leave your office at your set designated working time.

Take Time to Recharge

The most vital aspect of obtaining measurable goals, is by dedication and perseverance, however, that requires us running on a full battery.  It is so important to take time to recharge our brain, mind, and soul.  Exercising, relaxing baths, and scriptural readings all keep us determined and insightful.  Disconnecting from strictly business aspects of day-to-day tasks enables creative ideas and positive outlooks to develop naturally.  Many professional leaders make it a top priority to escape from “work” to clear their minds, and rejuvenate their well-being.  Truly meeting our goals requires performing at our best which requires an unwinding of the mind and body.

– Rachel Hollis

Momprenuering in 2019 doesn’t mean we need to bombard ourselves with to-do lists, immediately jumping from one task to the next.  This is the year of opportunities and living in the moment.  Take time this year to identify your specific personal and professional goals.  Remember, “the only person you should try to be better than, is the person you were yesterday.”  Share your 2019 goals/vision, with us and let us know how you plan on Momprenuering with a bang!

Tarrah LaPolla
A native from Arizona transplanted into the Floridian beach life. A mom, wife, columnist, blogger, and full-time working entrepreneur. Looking to find balance in a busy world, and teaching my kids as much as I can along this journey!

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