Motherhood, Money & Style: Finding the Time and the Budget for Fashion

Being a wife, mother to two boys, and working a full-time job can make life really busy! However, I still find time to take care of my personal appearance. I work a 4am shift at a professional establishment. The question I get asked the most is, “How do you look this good so early in the morning?”  Most people think that I get up extremely early to achieve my look and that it takes me a ton of time. Well, I’m here to tell the everyday working mom that you too can have the desired look you’ve been longing to have, and it won’t cost you a lot of time or money! I will share tips on how I shop, how I style and how I prepare my outfits each night for the next business day.


As a working mom, I understand monthly household budgets. Spending a lot of money on clothes, shoes and accessories may not be feasible. Good news! You can still get your desired look on a dime. Thrift stores are a great place to shop for clothes and accessories. There are many hidden gems inside. You just never know what treasures you may find.

One of my favorite clothing lines at Macy’s is their International Concepts (INC) collection. Recently, while thrifting with my mom, I found a sweater for $2.00 and it was in exceptional condition! This same sweater would have easily cost me $69-$89 had I purchased it in-store at Macy’s. Some of the clothing items in thrift stores  still have the store-bought price tags on them.

You can also find inexpensive items and unique pieces at boutiques and stores that may not be widely known in your area. In my area, we have stores like Citi-Trends, Fashion Bug and It’s Fashion. I have been able to find the same looks being sold at major department stores for 50%-60% less than the department store price.

Re-purpose What’s In Your Closet

Can’t afford to purchase new wardrobe pieces? No problem! Let’s discuss ways to revamp your wardrobe at no cost. You can restyle some of the pieces you already have in your closet. Giving an outfit a different look is a great way to refresh its appearance. I love to mix and match pieces differently to constantly update the look. Some of my coworkers think I never wear the same outfit twice and even think sometimes that I am wearing a brand-new outfit! Think of a creative way to switch up the way you have worn an outfit in the past. If you are not sure how to style what you already have, look up similar pieces online to get inspiration.

Another no-cost option is a clothing swap party. Gather a group of your friends and have them bring clothes, shoes and accessories they no longer wear. It’s an excellent way to refresh your closet by getting rid of the old and adding something new.

Making It Pop

One of my favorite things to talk about is how to make your outfit pop! First, you want to find our centerpiece. Your centerpiece is what I call the “wow” factor of your outfit. It is what you’d like people to notice first about your outfit. Your centerpiece should be what you think will receive the most compliments about your outfit. It can be an article of clothing such as your shirt, skirt, dress, or pants. It can be your necklace. It can even be your shoes.

Once you identify what you want your centerpiece to be, build the rest of your outfit around it, making sure you don’t draw too much attention away from the centerpiece. Be careful about adding too many accessories to your outfit. I have seen people add so much to an outfit that I didn’t know what to look first.

For example, in this denim look, the shoes were my centerpiece. I built my entire look around them. I knew I had hit my targeted look when I received so many compliments on my shoes.

My second look featured a leather skirt with a combination sheer and leather top (see picture above). My centerpiece was the entire outfit. The jewelry, shoes and handbag were only used as accent pieces. I chose pieces that would not overpower the look of my outfit. The goal is to not have on a lot of items that will compete with each other, but compliment each other instead.


Finally, preparation. As I mentioned earlier, I must be to work at 4am each day. Saving time is essential! I find it easier to prepare my look the night before. Since I like to have a tailored look, I lay my entire outfit out the night before; shoes and accessories included. Not only does doing this relieve me of a lot of stress in the morning, it provides me with a little extra sleep time and allows extra time for doing my hair and makeup. Since many of us can relate to not having our hair or makeup turn out the way we intended sometimes, planning ahead gives time for re-dos that can be much needed!

Simplify to Save Time & Money

Maybe you still feel overwhelmed with shopping and putting pieces together. We get it, some moms simply don’t have the time. Take any look to a new level with a nice pair of shoes and some unique accessories. The Goodwill has bracelets, necklaces and rings for $3 or less. Amazon also has a good selection of statement pieces. For shoes, look online for deals at Kohl’s or DSW. Shopping online will save time in travel and searching racks.

The goal is not to add something else to your plate, but to help you feel and look your best. Many moms complain about the changes in their bodies and how they rarely have time to do nice things for themselves.  Some even say they feel frumpy. Let this article inspire you to change it up a bit. When we look good, we feel good!

We hope you find these tips not only helpful, but practical as well. How do you incorporate style into your daily working mom life? We would love to hear from you.

Kenisha Stringfield

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