Movies and Memories: Our Weekly Pajama Party

For two years now, Tuesday has been my favorite day of the week. I love Tuesdays for one very special reason. Each week, my son and I get in our jammies, eat breakfast for supper, snuggle on the couch, and watch a movie. It is our thing. Every good and strong relationship should have a “thing.” This is ours. I look forward to it all day long. Even if it has been a tough day at the office, I know I have a bright spot waiting for me when I get home. Alex feels the same way.

This week, we are watching Lego Lord of the Rings. There must be an even greater LOTR geek out there, because they took the time to take each clip off the Wii Lego Lord of the Ring game and piece them together to make a fairly entertaining movie for little ones who are not yet ready to see the freaky Orc faces and Sauron Lord of evil. Someone did the same with The Hobbit. We have seen them both several times.

This has been a nice provision for us, because as both my husband and I completely geek out on both The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings, we knew we wouldn’t be able to share all the awesomeness with our son until he was much older. When we discovered this, we were able to make him a part of the geek club.

It isn’t always as awesome as this though. Sometimes Alex chooses something that makes me want to stare without blinking and fight the urge to drool. The movie Mowgli’s Story is a perfect example. The acting is terrible, and yet I have survived it many times. We binge watch Dinotrux, Wild Kratts, and Curious George too.  The point isn’t what we watch. It’s that we watch it together.

I have found it to be a great thing to set apart one set time every week to spend with Alex. Pajama parties just happen to be our thing. But it could be anything.

Many people have date nights with their significant other. It is a set night each week where they don’t schedule anything else. Have a special night with your kids too! It’s a great way to ensure that we get quality time with the people we love.

Do you have a time you set aside with one of your loved ones? Do you have a “thing” with the people most important in your life? If you don’t, here are some suggestions for special things to do with your children on a regular basis.

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Cooking: If you have a child that likes to cook, this is a great way to teach them a skill, prepare a meal, and spend quality time together! It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. It could even be boxed macaroni and cheese. The important thing is that you do it together.

Crafts: This might take a little more effort because there could be planning involved. But if you have the time and the interest, Pinterest is full of ideas you could do with one or more of your children on a weekly basis.

Movie Night: It doesn’t have to be a pajama party. Friday nights could be pizza and movie night. You could even make your own pizzas. This would be a good way to incorporate more than one interest for more than one child if that works for you.

Dress up: Who doesn’t like to play dress up? I’m 40 years old, and I love it. If you have a Goodwill or consignment shop nearby, you can easily find accessories, clothes, and shoes to glam it up with your little divas.

Playing Pretend: This sounds simple but it is powerful. How many times a night do you get asked to play with your kids? How many times are you to busy cooking doing dishes, or getting ready for tomorrow? Having a time each week that is set aside to play with your kids can be a great way to foster a relationship with them as well as be more in tune with their world.

These are my suggestions. If you have your own “thing” please comment and let us know what it is and how it has helped grow your relationship with your children.

Shannon Trigos
Shannon Trigos is a mom and executive director of a small non-profit. She is in school for her Master’s degree in journalism and enjoys art, music and nature.

3 thoughts on “Movies and Memories: Our Weekly Pajama Party

  1. We are often very busy. Not enough time after kids get home from school. There is homework, sports, dinner and bed. My kids have always liked to help with cooking. Unfortunately on these busy nights I just can’t handle it. I am slow as it is and they make it slower. I am uncomfortable with cooking and do not really enjoy it all that much. So having them help stresses me out. But it is something I work hard at as I know these moments are fleeting. I have made some progress in this area.
    The main thing I try to keep going is my one on one time with each kid every day. It has gotten harder as they have gotten older and schedules are busier. My thing is at bed time. I put the youngest to bed while the older one is showering and getting ready for bed. We read, talk, say prayers. Then go do the same with the older one. Rule is that they are not allowed to interupt the others time. (Not working lately. 12 year old seems to think rules no longer apply to him.) I try for 30 minutes each but lately it has been a bit less. Problem is that most of the time I finish with the kids and my husband is already asleep so there is no time with him. Being a mom and wife is quite the juggling act.

  2. I love this idea. I’ve never thought about having a dedicated day/night for time with my son the way I do with date night with my husband. It makes total sense! I am going to incorporate this into my routine very soon. Thank you for sharing and fingers crossed you can retire some of the not so good movies!

  3. Love this. We do pizza on a blanket on the living room floor and a movie most Friday nights. We also have designated tickle time before bed every night. I try to play with him as much as I can, I know these days are fleeting!

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