Reaching Goals & Staying Motivated During a Pandemic

Most of us begin each new year with enthusiasm and set goals for what we desire to accomplish. If you are anything like me, your motivation dwindles with each passing month. It can be discouraging when you don’t achieve a goal within the time frame that you planned. Although you complete a couple of goals, there are usually a few that seemingly move further away from your grasp as the year progresses. With a pandemic, virtual school and working from home, most of us have little time to focus on goals. We lack the time and the motivation. And yet, we still have benchmarks that we want to reach. How do we reach them even when we lack the motivation?

Setting Clear Goals

What is it you are trying to accomplish, and why? Whether your focus is on faith, family, career, fitness, or something else, you need clear and specific goals. Spend some time in God’s word and prayer. Ask for directions; allow the Holy Spirit to lead you and let God’s word confirm what your aims should be. Be sure that your goals line up with God’s word. Viewing them this way will empower you to succeed because you will be working to achieve God’s will for your life.

Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. .

– Psalm 37:4


Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.

– Proverbs 16:3

Now that you have goals, it is time to get organized. I use a planner, and I make to-do lists, but do whatever works best for you. Just make sure to keep track of your objectives so that you can review them regularly, and check them off your list when you achieve a goal.

Staying on Track

It would be best if you commit to using either a planner, a calendar, or to-do lists to keep track of your goals. I usually jot down my plans the night before and review them in the morning, but you can plan your day in the morning before the kids wake up, and your day gets started. It would be best if you planned short term goals daily or weekly, and long term goals monthly or yearly. Be specific about your goals, set a realistic time frame for attaining each goal, and commit to working towards your goals.

Even if it’s just five minutes a day, work toward your goals. While we are all adjusting to life during a pandemic, we have to remember that life won’t always be this way. Do the best you can with whatever free time you have.

Staying Motivated

Don’t give up! Think about why you set the goal and what achieving it will mean for you. Will losing weight change your health positively? Will finishing your website help you launch your business? Think about why you started as motivation to finish.

Also, find an accountability partner. It is easier to fall by the wayside if the only person we have to answer to is ourselves. Having an accountability partner means that we have someone else holding us accountable. They want us to reach our goals just as much as we do.  Depending on your goals, a mentor, best friend, spouse or personal trainer might be good candidates for accountability.

Lastly,  spend time with God to stay focused.  Let God give you the strength to get through those moments when you just want to quit. Find scriptures that motivate you, pray for strength and read devotions that inspire you.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. – Philippians 4:19

If you have to revise the time frame for meeting a goal, then so be it. Allow yourself to make adjustments. When you check a goal off your list, be sure to celebrate! Do something special for yourself, and thank God for giving you purpose and for helping you to accomplish His will in your life.

Summer Elizabeth Ball
Summer Elizabeth Ball lives in Hawaii. She enjoys spending time with her ohana and their seven cats, Pongo, Pixie, Puka, Sunflower, Sedona, Sparrow, and Snoopy. In June 2022, she founded SheBelieves Co., A Christian Ministry & Digital Magazine for Women. She is an Adjunct Instructor teaching English courses for Southern New Hampshire University. Summer holds an M.A. in Journalism, a Certificate of Graduate Studies in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages with a concentration in Adult Education, and a B.A. in English with a concentration in writing and a minor in History from Regent University. Summer has been writing for years, creatively and, more recently, professionally. She loves teaching and writing; she loves teaching writing!

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