Skin Care & Hot Days: Maintinaing Healthy Skin During Summer Months

Every woman in this world has something in common with another… her skincare routine!  With winter gone, and summer creeping in, it’s time to switch gears with our facial regiment.  Winter dries out skin because cold air has less moisture, so a heavier moisturizer with lipids and cream based cleansers are ideal, but what about skincare in harsh heat filled summer months?  Is it really necessary to have a summer and winter skincare practice?  This month we dedicated all of our research to finding the best facts and goodies to get your skin glowing!  Come check out all the deets we’ve uncovered, from head to toe, (literally!)

Scrub it Out

No matter what tone of skin you may have (dark, tan, or fair) it’s important to know a few guidelines that cover us all!  First and foremost, exfoliate… Get rid of those winter scales, and dull-looking skin by using a luscious sugar scrub or chemical scrub.  Exfoliating has so many benefits, including anti-aging (yes!) There are two types of exfoliates including physical, which is the grainy-texture (like a sugar scrub) or a chemical (dissolves old cells/debris). According to Eccotique spa and salon, the benefits of using either exfoliates are detrimental for:

  • Unclogging Pores
  • Even out skin tone
  • Boosts blood circulation (creating  oxygen-rich blood)
  • Drains Lymphatic System (internal cleansing)
  • Increases cell turn-over (regenerating cells)
  • Stimulates collagen synthesis (rebuilding skin)

There are so many ways to even create a great exfoliate at home using simple organic materials.  Look online, or on Pinterest for different recipes.  Olive oil, some granulated sugar, and a couple drops of essential oils can leave your skin feeling soft and luxurious.

Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize…

We hear this saying from women before us 🙂  How vital it is to use a good moisturizer, and cover that neck and upper chest area as well?  Did you know that swapping out moisturizer during the season is just as important?  There are two reasons for this practice.  First, using the same moisturizer is like taking a supplement your body will get used too.  For instance, elderberries are amazing at helping boost your immune system naturally.  However, if you take the supplement too much, your body will build a tolerance, much like using the same shampoo or conditioner.  So swapping out moisturizers is like giving your face a switch up to absorb goodness from another moisturizer.

Hydrated skin is happy skin!

Second, using a lightweight product in summer is essential.  During winter months, less moisture in the air can lead to super-dry and cracked or peeling skin.  Heavier protective moisturizer is a great tool to combat the harsh cold air.  During the summer, that moisture is everywhere!  Even better, try using a dual-purpose moisturizer with a built in SPF.  It is always good to switch it up, but remember to test a small amount before taking the plunge.  Testing a small spot is always a good idea to make sure your body is not allergic or having any adverse reactions to a new product.

Food & Your Complexion

Food most definitely has a HUGE impact in the way our body operates, so the same is true about radiant and healthy looking skin.  There is also a significant difference in the types of foods we eat.  For instance, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are beneficial in body repair, while saturated (butter, cheese, fatty cuts of meat) and trans fats (chemical compound of liquid oil turned into sold, i.e., margarine) are really not great for the body at all.  We’ve compiled a list of vitamins that are great for your skin, which are absorbed through the foods we eat.

  • Omega 3’s: found in salmon, oysters, and yup…even chia seeds!
    • fights inflammation and responsible for the health of all cell membranes (also great for: depression, sleep, premenstrual…check link for additional health benefits.)
  • Vitamin E: found in avocado, mango, leafy greens, and peanut butter.
    • protects cells and cellular reproduction from “free radicals” which are loose electrons.
  • Zinc: the body cannot store zinc, so it must be consumed daily.  Found in mushrooms, greek yogurt, chickpeas, pumpkin seeds, and oatmeal.
    • antioxidant and also fights off free-radicals.  Women should have at least 8 mg a day, but consult with physician before implementing a supplement into your dietary needs.  Never consume more than 40 mg per day.
  • Vitamin C: found in oranges, strawberries, broccoli, and pineapple juice.
    • Boosts production of collagen, increasing elasticity, anti-inflammatory, and additional UV protection (still wear sunscreen).

It is always important to have a great moisturizer for external usage, but what we put in our bodies is just as important.  Try consulting with your physician to see which supplements are essential for your body type!

Healthy Glowing Skin

With a little help from some great moisturizers, exfoliates, and healthy consumption of fruits and veggies, great looking and glowing skin is just a step away! There are always great products available at local name brand stores, discount retail shops (you just have to do a little digging), and even completely natural online shops like Crunchi.  So no matter what products you choose, make sure they fit your skin type (Sensitive, Normal, Dry, or Oily), eat a balanced diet, cut out the grease and sugar, and enjoy that healthy glow momma!

As busy moms we know that being repetitive and consistent is essential, so for additional information and ideas to help you save time, or maybe even meal prepping for a busy week, go check out other amazing articles with loads of information @ Bibs and Business Magazine.

Tarrah LaPolla
A native from Arizona transplanted into the Floridian beach life. A mom, wife, columnist, blogger, and full-time working entrepreneur. Looking to find balance in a busy world, and teaching my kids as much as I can along this journey!

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