Staying Fit with Apps and Online Fitness Videos

God knows, I’m not a fan of exercise.  Paul’s reminder that our “bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit,” is not one of my favorites  (1 Corinth. 6:19 NIV).  In a normal world I struggle to maintain a healthy weight and exercise routine.  With the tension of COVID and its repercussions, stress release is a must.  Exercise is one of the best ways to manage stress, get rid of excess energy and take care of God’s temple.  Gyms are slowly opening again, but I never went to them anyway.  I’ve found ways to get my exercise at home.

Online Fitness Classes offers free online workouts.  The site offers a range of categories suitable for the entire family.  From yoga to bootcamp, you’ll find fresh workouts here.  In addition, they are constantly adding new videos.  What I loved the most- the time limits.  The shortest work out I saw was 5 minutes for core.  Other classes were 30 minutes or longer.  Squeezing in a few minutes of exercise is better than getting none at all.  Listed below are other options for online fitness classes:

Fitness Apps

MyFitnessPal is my go to fitness app.  Owned by Under Armour, the app works seamlessly with my Fitbit.  I’ve recently switched to using the calorie counter feature.  What I discovered was the app offers so much more.  If I want an on demand workout, I scroll through the app until I find one that suits my needs.  When my Fitbit syncs it automatically updates MyFitnessPal.  I like this feature because calories adjust based on exercise.  I can eat more because I’ve exercised, which in turn motivates me to exercise. 

WW (previously Weight Watchers) offers exercise classes through their app as well.  Their app is very similar to MyFitnessPal, offering essentially the same things: calorie counter, fitness tracker, exercise videos, recipes and an online fitness community.  When not in quarantine, WW has the added advantage of in person group meetings.

Additional fitness apps for on the go exercise are:

 MapMyWalk is a free app from the MyFitnessPal family.  The app tracks your entire route and displays it on the map for you to see.  With audio feedback for encouragement as well, this app is a must have for outdoor exercise.  Besides walking, there are hundreds of different exercises you can track like biking and running.

If you want your steps to have more purpose, Charity Miles is the app you want.  Download the app, pick your charity and start moving.  The app converts your movement into miles.  For each mile you complete, one of the organization’s corporate sponsors will donate to your chosen charity.  Not only will you help yourself, you’ll help others at the same time.

Remember, five minutes is better than no minutes.  Whatever option you choose, make sure it’s one you will actually do.  I’ve wasted money on online classes and never done a single one.  I’ve learned to try the free offer before making a commitment. Set a reminder on your phone to cancel, otherwise they will charge you. You’ll know by the time the offer expires whether or not you will use the service.  

Keep moving and stay healthy!

Beth Morrison
I live by a simple motto that comes from Mark 12:30-31: Love God, Love Others. I’m currently working on my master’s in Strategic Communication at Regent University. I have a bachelor’s degree from Christopher Newport University in Business Administration. I’m a lifelong follower of Christ and excited for the next leg of my journey with Him. I’m married to the love of my life, Ron. We live with our fur babies in Newport News, VA.

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