The Anxious Mom: Fighting Anxiety Healthily

Living with anxiety is a hardship that many people face every day. It’s being in a constant state of worry that can cripple even the strongest individual.  It’s a cascade of multiple stressors piling up creating unbalanced emotional responses.  Moms deal with stressful situations daily, which include bumper-to-bumper traffic, disputes with a spouse, or conflicts at work.  Couple that with tantrums, sleepless nights and meeting the demands of children any mom is sure to feel overwhelmed and anxious.

I thought I knew what high anxiety was before I became a mother, but upon learning that I was pregnant, I realized that anxiety could reach all-new levels. Suddenly, I was responsible for my life and the life of another person — a person I was growing! – Amy Przeworski Ph.D., Author of Don’t Worry, Mom

Working Mom Stress
Working from Home Anxiety

According to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America (ADAA), Women are twice as likely to have an anxiety disorder as a man. Being an anxious mom is emotionally and physically exhausting.  Worries creep up at inconvenient moments, and a constant ongoing dialogue running through the mind drains every ounce of energy from the body.  When the mind is constantly stressed, the body tries to react by  accelerating the heartbeat, muscles become tense, the jaw clenches, and your stomach (gut) may begin to ache.  When these bodily reactions occur on a frequent basis and do not shut off, energy levels become dangerously low and can lead to other illnesses including depression.

Fight Anxiety through Nutrition

Recent studies at Harvard Medical have provided a wealth of information that is useful for adults coping with anxiety.  With the help of nutrition through a balanced diet, the Harvard research facility has found that foods rich in these ingredients have been shown to reduce anxiety:

Healthy Diet
Balanced Diet
  • Magnesium (spinach, legumes, nuts)
  • Zinc (oysters, cashews, beef)
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acid (wild Alaskan salmon)
  • Probiotic-rich foods (pickles, sauerkraut, and kefir)
  • Asparagus is a natural anxiety fighting vegetable
  • B-vitamin (avocado & almonds)

Having a balanced diet in addition to  avoiding alcohol/caffeine is also beneficial.  Consuming an adequate amount of water is also very important to nourishing and restoring the body.  It is suggested women drink at least 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of water a day.

Exercise & Anxiety

Mom’s with high stressors often deter from entering social settings or places such as the gym.  Vigorous exercise is a wonderful long-term practice which helps alleviate symptoms of anxiety.  If social anxiety does keep you from entering exercise facilities, there are additional ways to getting that unnecessary energy burned off.  When the body is physically active, endorphins are generating and creating the chemicals necessary to reduce stress.  The ADAA suggests the 5X30 rule, which means exercising for 30 minutes, five times a week.  Here are some wonderful additions to add to your exercise routine:

  • Jog, walk, or bike for 30 minutes
  • Find exercise that you enjoy (CrossFit, Zumba, yoga, running, hiking)
  • Listen to your favorite music while exercising
  • Bring along a friend- “exercise buddy”
  • Don’t give up if you miss a day, just keep trying
Relaxation Methods for Moms

Recharging a woman’s body is really important. Often women wear many hats (roles in life), and those hats can drain the energy from us slowly.  Being a mom with anxiety and wearing multiple hats can deplete our energy levels to dangerous proportions.  Take time for yourself, and learn to really relax.  Not a bath with children banging on the door type of “relax,” but learn how to complete deep breathing exercises, or even meditate.  Deep breathing corrects poor breathing.  Poor breathing is “shallow (too quick), monitored (thinking too much), or over-breathing (taking in too much).  The Calm Clinic has detailed how to effectively breathe which helps calm the mind and body.  This is an extremely significant practice for those suffering from anxious feelings.

Deep Breathing Exercises
Deep Breathing & Meditation
  • Breathe in slowly and gently through your nose for about 5 to 7 seconds.
  • Hold for about three or four seconds.
  • Breathe out slowly and gently through pursed lips like you’re whistling for about 7 to 9 seconds.
Living Worry-Free

Living with stressors which create chaotic environments doesn’t need to stop you from enjoying life. Instead, learn how to live with these symptoms by having a plan, eating right, exercising,  and practicing relaxation methods to alleviate symptoms of anxiety.  Moms are tough, loving, and have enough on their plates without adding overthinking debilitating stress.  Most of all, take care of yourself. You can only be a good mom when you are good on the inside.

Take the anxiety test to determine your current level of anxiety. Seek professional help if you think you may be dealing with severe anxiety or depression.

Tarrah LaPolla
A native from Arizona transplanted into the Floridian beach life. A mom, wife, columnist, blogger, and full-time working entrepreneur. Looking to find balance in a busy world, and teaching my kids as much as I can along this journey!

5 thoughts on “The Anxious Mom: Fighting Anxiety Healthily

  1. I love this article! I had anxiety before I had my daughter and now it has only gotten worse. My mom always used to say that she couldn’t sleep well when I was out with friends. I thought she was just being a worry wart but now being a mother myself, I definitely get it. Thanks for all of the helpful tips!

    1. Fantastic article on anxiety. I suffer from all of the above, particularly social anxiety, that does keep me out of the gym. Love, love this!!! I also love the 5/30 rule. I’ve been doing it recently and it really helps! I look forward to it now as a stress reliever:)

      1. That’s so amazing Jennifer! It is amazing how much exercise plays such an important part of releasing pent up anxiety!

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