The Truth About Working, Marriage, and Motherhood

mom marriage working

If we were to write a comprehensive list on the truth about motherhood which  contains tips, tricks, and how-to instructions, the list would be a mile long.   But, what about adding our full-time jobs and being a wife into the mix?  Honestly, there is no secret recipe that’s going to help a mother find balance between work, motherhood, and marriage because every woman is different.  In fact, each situation is different.  The trick is finding what works for you.  That’s the truth in a nutshell.

While it may seem easy for one woman to be an amazing mother and employee, she may struggle finding time for her husband.  Another woman may find it easy to balance work and date nights, but scramble with her child’s erratic behavior.  The real question is, it possible to balance it all?

The Working Mother

Many households cannot survive on one income alone.  Wives and mothers quickly return to work after having children which can add unforeseen stresses in their life.  Stresses such as finding and affording adequate  childcare and time away from the family.  However, we rise above those concerns because we’re really amazing at what we do, both at home and at work!

The work day includes reports, meetings, and projects while also receiving calls from teacher’s or rescheduling doctor’s appointments.  Women must bounce between trying to stand out as an intelligent individual and being 100% capable of functioning as if they had no family/children.   We keep climbing the corporate ladder, competing in an arena of hungry men, fully aware of the fact women still earn less than men.  In fact, studies have shown the difference is $0.77 cents to every dollar, to be precise.

Busy working mothers are amazing!

The truth is, work is fulfilling,  women are good at what they do, and they manage with precision, planning, and determination.  Women master a craft, and do it well.  The working mother balances getting children out of the house in the morning, fighting traffic, and making her mark in this world.  She then comes home to a house full of people demanding attention, makes dinner, and gets the ball rolling with children’s homework, laundry, and so on.  These ladies accomplish more in one day, than most do in weeks.   It is completely draining.  However, know without a doubt you are doing a sensational job!

Working Mother Hacks

Working mothers can accomplish balancing a busy working schedule by following a daily routine.  These routines plan out days and help moms balance a busy life.  Make a to-do list, preferably the night before.  Put everything that needs to be done on it and rate each item’s importance using a rating system.  For example, a rating system such as 1- Important, 2-Should do, 3-Can wait can be applied.  From there, you’re able to determine which items take priority over others, and maybe even plan out an order in which to do them.

Another way working mothers can find solace in business is by setting boundaries between business and their personal life.  While we are all capable of multi-tasking, setting boundaries allows you to focus your energy and attention on your current responsibilities.  Although this can be impossible at times, mastering the ability to set limits can increase your productivity and value in your career.

When possible, set aside time to work on one or your many projects at a time rather than trying to work on multiple projects at once.   Delegating tasks to others you oversee is a necessary and essential skill which ensures important tasks get completed and the organization functions properly.

The Truth About Marriagemarriage

Very Well Mind wrote a list of 10-Things Women Want from their significant other.  Some of the top ranking wants consisted of feeling loved, appreciated, and sometimes cherished.  It can be hard to muster up these feelings on a daily basis, especially after work, or dealing with children all day.   Maybe you don’t have time for weekly date night’s out, but find time to spend alone, without the children. Continually fanning that flame may sound cliche, but taking the time to flirt, touch, talk, and being present with your spouse can really keep both individuals fire’s lit.

The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts  is an eye opening book.  There are five different love languages spoken, and each person uses a combination of those languages to show how they feel or reciprocate love.  Find your love language, then figure out your partners.  Learn how they speak love and work from there.  Reading this book together is a great way to bond.  Some individuals learn best by reading, and some by doing.  Do both!  Read and practice together.  It will be a sure fire way to understand your spouse on a deeper level and practice loving each other the way each likes best.

Remember, marriage is a constantly evolving relationship between people.  There are good times and bad.  The more time two people spend together, the more they learn little intricate details about one another.  Likes, dislikes, body language, and facial cues are the most common traits individuals learn about one another when in a relationship.  Being able to communicate effectively with one another is a key component to a trusting and healthy relationship.

Humility, Love & Patience in Marriage

One of the most beautiful scriptures from the Bible regarding marriage is taken from Ephesians 4:2-3.  “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”  This quote highlights important aspects of a relationship.

  1. Being humble
  2. Being patient with each other
  3. Loving one another

None of us are perfect, and while arguments will definitely occur, forgiveness is vital.  It’s important to remember that once we forgive, we must also forget.  There’s nothing more disheartening, than a partner throwing previous actions or words in your face.  Always keep in mind the old adage, “Never go to bed angry.”  Going to be angry means waking up angry and that’s never a great way to start the day.  Make amends, say your peace, and let it go.  Be humble and patient with one another.

The Truth About Motherhood

Did this article mention motherhood is messy?  Oh, yes, it’s very messy, turbulent, and unpredictable!  Each stage of motherhood is filled with unknown surprises.  We carried these little beings  in our womb.  We cared for them, changed their diapers, and before we know it, they’re rampaging through the terrible twos.  Before we know it, our kids are going off to kindergarten, graduating middle school, and in the blink of an eye, heading off to college.  These are our babies, but they most definitely make us crazy!  Motherhood is one of the most time consuming jobs a woman can do with an estimated 98-hours worked in a week.  To say mothers are exhausted is an understatement!

There is no right or wrong way to be a loving mother.  Our love soothes and builds strong, caring little people.  No matter how we mother, we are doing it right.  One of the most important tools mothers can use when bringing up children, are the ears.  Listening to a child gives them the ability to know you truly care about what they are saying.

Yes, we do understand you’ve worked all day, you are exhausted, and this child would like to discuss Minecraft building techniques…again.  We get it.  But listen to them.  Just as you want your spouse to hear you, this little person also wants you to pay attention to them.  It’s absolutely tiresome, and if you ask a fellow mother, she knows exactly how this feels.  Regardless, it is very rewarding when your child knows they can come to you for anything, because you actually listen to what they say and feel.

Balancing Life as a Woman, Mom, & Wife

We never know the story of another woman, or the shoes she walks in, so we need to applaud each other for the amazing accomplishments we tackle daily.  Each woman’s journey is different and the path for each one is an incredible story.  Not only do we want to be there for our families, but we want successful careers.  The truth about balancing work, marriage, and motherhood, is finding a way to make all of these aspects of life work for you.  Remember to:

  1. Set boundaries
  2. Delegate when possible
  3. Communicate your wants and needs
  4. Be humble and patient
  5. Take time to listen
  6. Love fiercely

Find joy in the moments whenever possible.  Juggling the various parts of your life is definitely no easy feat, but the blessings that accompany each day can outweigh the negatives.  Take it one day at a time and always know you are an inspiration to your family and to the world.  That’s the real truth.

Tarrah LaPolla
A native from Arizona transplanted into the Floridian beach life. A mom, wife, columnist, blogger, and full-time working entrepreneur. Looking to find balance in a busy world, and teaching my kids as much as I can along this journey!

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