Valentine’s Day: Making Memories with the Kids and Celebrating with Your Husband

Valentine’s day is Friday, Feb. 14, 2020. How will you celebrate with your family? Do you need to make or buy a gift for your husband or the kids? Here are some fun and easy ideas for celebrating with your family and a few last-minute gift ideas.

How to Celebrate with Your Kids

A few days before Valentine’s Day, gather some paper, crayons, and anything else you might have on hand. You don’t need to buy any specific craft supplies. Find a space in your home to spread out, perhaps at the dining room table or on the living room floor. Sit down, relax, and spend some time helping your kids make cards for their siblings, friends and/or teachers. The kids can personalize each card with a message of love and appreciation. Also, this is an excellent time to teach them about God’s love. 1 John 4:7-12 says,

“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.”


Pick up some prepackaged cookie dough, frosting, and sprinkles when you’re out running errands. On Valentine’s Day, make some heart-shaped cookies topped with festive frosting and sprinkles. Let your kids have fun decorating the cookies so that they can take credit for making the sweet treats for the family. Have them help you clean up the mess in the kitchen. Afterward, the whole family can gobble up some cookies with a glass of milk while spending some precious time together.

Movie Night

Spend the afternoon or evening watching a movie. Grab a handful of leftover cookies or make a big bowl of popcorn for the family to share while gathering in the living room to watch a movie. Some ideas for movies include Be My Valentine Charlie Brown, Lady and the Tramp, or The Little Rascals.

How to Celebrate with Your Husband

Valentine’s Day is not just for women. Men want to feel loved and appreciated too. Surprise him this year!

Wake up early, tiptoe into the kitchen, and make your husband’s favorite breakfast. To save time, you can make some preparations the night before. Arrange the breakfast on a tray and add a touch of romance with a note. Take the breakfast to the bedroom and surprise him before he gets out of bed.


Is your husband headed out the door on Friday morning? Then, drop a little note or card into his briefcase or lunch bag before he heads off to work. Write a message conveying your gratitude for everything he does for you and the kids. You can even send a a voice-recorded card through Smile Mail. Don’t forget to send him off with a kiss.


Prepare a romantic dinner at home for your husband. Make a dish you know he enjoys, and that fills up his tummy to show him how much he is loved. Or plan a dinner out and take the kids along or leave them with family or friends. If you choose to stay in, snuggle up on the couch with your husband and watch a romantic comedy like While You Were Sleeping or a love story like Love Jones. And if you haven’t already, give him his Valentine’s Day gift before you call it a night. Make it a  good one!

Last-Minute Gift Ideas


Happy Valentine’s Day!

Summer Elizabeth Ball
Summer Elizabeth Ball lives in Hawaii. She enjoys spending time with her ohana and their seven cats, Pongo, Pixie, Puka, Sunflower, Sedona, Sparrow, and Snoopy. In June 2022, she founded SheBelieves Co., A Christian Ministry & Digital Magazine for Women. She is an Adjunct Instructor teaching English courses for Southern New Hampshire University. Summer holds an M.A. in Journalism, a Certificate of Graduate Studies in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages with a concentration in Adult Education, and a B.A. in English with a concentration in writing and a minor in History from Regent University. Summer has been writing for years, creatively and, more recently, professionally. She loves teaching and writing; she loves teaching writing!

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