WAHM Life: Working More Than Ever & Absolutely Drained

Working? Check! Drained double check! It seemed like yesterday when I jumped for joy at the news that my department would be required to work from home I would be able to help my husband with the kid’s virtual assignments relieving him of the pressure of doing it all. I’d for sure tackle all my household chores, I’d eat dinner earlier, and we’d finally get that family balance we’d always desired. Too bad, this was not the case. If I can be honest, it seemed as though I was tasked with more work to do at home than in the office.

The Demands

Assisting the kids with their virtual work is beyond challenging. I would later learn that my oldest son was not that dependable when it came to completing his weekly assignments. I found myself waking up to a message a week stating there had been yet another instance in which my son had not submitted an assignment. So I had to become that micromanager we all love to have (inserts sarcasm).

My youngest son always finds a way to break, rip, cut, or destroy some piece of furniture in his room, and I can’t seem to figure out why I have to tell him at least 12 times a day to make his bed and clean up after himself.

Meanwhile, my youngest child and only the girl demands immediate attention from the time she wakes up until she returns home from daycare.

To add injury to insult, it seems like I’ve got a target on my back! One little oversight or simple mistake made by me tends to result in an email finding its way up the chain of command and into the lap of my supervisor, who’s quick to question whether working from home is a distraction.

Needless to say, I am absolutely drained. From morning till night I’m working. There is little time alone and every moment that I have is either about work or family and just when I think there is a moment to spare, I realize– laundry needs to be done.

Redirect and Refocus

In the midst of what seems to be chaotic, challenging, draining, and even overwhelming at times, I have to remind myself to redirect my focus back to God. It’s easy to get caught up in the extreme demands of our jobs, and the pressure of adjusting to working from the comfort of our home. Some days, it may feel like you find yourself in more of a place of discomfort versus pleasure. I was always wondering, God, now what? Instead of asking God, What are you doing in this season? What exactly is it that you want me to take from this experience? Is it patience, my temperament, my trust in you?

Believe me when I say the struggle is real! Some days are better than most but, I’ve been recently reminded that there’s purpose in and at my job.

There’s purpose in my transition from being a working mom to a work-at-home mom. Our job is what we’re paid to do and our work as a mom, well, that’s what we are made to do!

We are all created wonderfully imperfect. God knows that about us. Take this time to invite God in when that feeling of exhaustion and that weight of drain starts to creep in. Matthew 11:28-30 God tells us: “Come to me, all you weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” God wants to do the heavy pulling for us. What do you receive in return? Rest for your weary soul.

Angelique B. Winfield
Angelique Winfield is a Mother of three, wife, full-time PhD student and employee. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Mass Communications with an Emphasis in Broadcasting from Norfolk State University and obtained her Master's degree in Strategic Communications from Regent University. In addition to the many hats that she wears in her household, academia, and in corporate America Angelique is also a speaker, editor, blogger and digital Creator. AngieBWinn.com (pronounced angie-b-winning) is where she happily shares her perspectives on marriage, motherhood, faith, and lifestyle. Angelique is best known for inspiring mothers and women to “grow through life.

One thought on “WAHM Life: Working More Than Ever & Absolutely Drained

  1. That was a good read, Angie. I thought wfh would be a cakewalk too until my daughter was mobile. I started back going “in the office” and sent Logan to daycare; and although finding time has been chaotic, I think I’m starting to settle into my normal.

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