What’s the Fuss Over Using Sunscreen?

Sunscreen is the kind of thing that we thrown in our bags because we know that we should as parents have it for kids. But what is the actual fuss over using sunscreen? Is it really as useful as we think it is? When do we need to use it? We have the details for you.

Why do we need it?sunscreen

To begin, did you know that 1 in 5 people in their lifetime are diagnosed with skin cancer? Can you believe that it does not just happen during the summertime either? Many people using sunscreen are dedicated to wearing it all year long, especially during summer activities.  Sunscreen protects your sin from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. They come in two forms, UVA and UVB rays. It is meant to protect sensitive skin from sunburn and reduce the appearance of sun damage. Sun damage is skin discoloration, dark spots, leathery or saggy skin and wrinkles. Did you know that if you wear it more often, it can help you look younger? That’s right! Using it daily can help keep your skin.

When and how much to put on?

When putting on sunscreen, it is important to keep track of when you put it on and how often. The amount used for your entire body should be what would fit into a shot glass. Now you don’t need to turn into a ghost, but a sufficient amount of coverage is important. If you are choosing to use the spray, make sure to use a generous amount and go over each area twice. It is easier for parents to use with children, but harder to see if you missed any spots.

Because many lotions wear off within 40-80 minutes, especially if you are in the water, reapply every two hours. Lastly, sunscreen that has minerals in it allows it to skin on your skin and not be absorbed. It helps provide protection from the sun without irritation to the skin.

What’s the difference in SPF’s?

Obviously, we know that the lower the number, the less the coverage from the rays. But what is a good SPF that we can be consistent with to avoid getting sunburn? It is recommended that you use 30 SPF or higher. Also, if a sunscreen says that it is water resistant, remember, it is only water resistant sunscreen for 40 to 80 minutes only. Most don’t even say water resistant or sweat proof because that would have customers believing that they will be covered no matter what and that’s not the case.

Finally, even though we want to be tan during the summer, it is still important to stay protected from the sun’s rays. Don’t forget to protect yourself along with your kids, even when it is cloudy outside.  If your child doesn’t like sunscreen, work on finding ones specifically for kids and getting them used to the process every day.

Jennifer O'Shea
Jennifer O’Shea is a freelance writer and owner of <a href="http://www.teachworkoutlove.com">TWL </a>. TWL covers the basics: motherhood fitness, & balancing work. TWL also sells Zyia Activewear clothing and is co-owner to a Influencer Facebook Group, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/mombloggerstribe/?source_id=209276013182387">Influential Mamas</a>.

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