Working Moms and Workouts: Making Fitness a Reality

Luckily, it is the beginning of the year and everyone is thinking about fitness. Unfortunately, by mid-year, we have kind of forgotten about it. As working moms, we tend to forget about fitness more often than not, especially if it is not January. We know that adding fitness into your daily routines is important so we have some tips. Here are five ways that working moms can make fitness a priority.

Home workouts

Working moms like to make excuses as to why we can’t go to the gym. It’s too early…. It’s too late… The kids… But we need to prioritize ourselves and focus on our self-care. Because we work most of the day and feel bad taking anymore time away from our children and family, home workouts are perfect. There are so many online programs now that you really don’t have to leave your home to go workout.

If you weren’t interested in spending money on an online program, YouTube is going to be your best friend. There are so many 15-30 minute workouts that you can do right before making dinner or right after the kids go to sleep. You can always fit a 15 minute workout in, even if it is just abs one day. Yes, we are tired but don’t let it stop you from getting a workout in.

Find a workout buddy

Another great way to hold yourself accountable and make fitness a priority is to find a workout buddy. Whether it be your significant other or a work buddy, finding someone who can go with you to classes can help be a motivator. When having a workout buddy, it makes workouts more fun. If you have a FitBit or an Apple Watch, join up for fun and get into a step battle. When you are a working mom, finding time to go to the gym can be stressful. But if you have a partner to go with, setting designated times during the week or weekend to go can really be beneficial.

Hold yourself accountable

Along with finding a workout buddy to keep you accountable, it is important to hold yourself accountable as well. By holding yourself accountable, this makes fitness a priority. Whether it be scheduling workouts into your planner or making time at home to do a workout, hold yourself accountable. Another way to hold yourself accountable is to sign up for workout classes. This way you can’t back out last minute and they are expecting you to show up. Many times we get held up at the office or we are finishing work that we probably should be doing but would rather leave to go workout. There are a million excuses that we can make but if you start scheduling in classes and writing down the times to workout, this is a start.

Go to workout classes

Next, get to a workout class! Why are workout classes great? Well, they hold you accountable for one! Secondly, they make you feel bad because you signed up for the class and can’t cancel last minute because you are feeling lazy. Also, you are paying for this membership or these classes and no you are not going to throw that money away!

Workout classes help you make fitness a priority. Plus they give you options in times before and after work that you can attend. Make sure you are setting attainable fitness goals though. Signing up for a class every day for 5 days in a row is bound to have a cancelled class somewhere in there. We are still working moms and meeting and sicknesses still come up. So start with 3 a week and see if you can keep attending those and go from there.

Get a personal trainer

Lastly, if all of the above are not working for you, and you are just extremely busy, we totally get it. This would be a good time to go to a gym and hire a personal trainer to work with you. Usually they do 30-45 minute sessions as many times a week as you want. This way you are spending the short amount of time that you have focusing on the specific needs of your body.

We are not fitness experts! But we all could use some help in the gym and targeting key areas, especially around the tummy. So why not work with a trained professional to help us focus specifically on the areas that we need? As working moms, we need to get right to the point and know exactly what we’re doing in our short time we get to add fitness into our lives. Make sure that you are using your time wisely and making the most of it.

Jennifer O'Shea
Jennifer O’Shea is a freelance writer and owner of <a href="">TWL </a>. TWL covers the basics: motherhood fitness, & balancing work. TWL also sells Zyia Activewear clothing and is co-owner to a Influencer Facebook Group, <a href="">Influential Mamas</a>.

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