Working Woman

The day has arrived, it has finally come,
For you to go back to work and leave your precious little one.

As you’re walking to the door, you look down at that adorable face,
So many questions enter your mind at a rapidly fast pace.

Trepidation and fear are normal feelings to be had,
Leaving your child for the first time can be quite sad.

But you know, you’ve got this because you’re a strong woman,
Who does what you have to, who does all that you can.

To provide the best possible life for this amazing child of yours,
You have to make sacrifices to open up some doors.

No one is perfect, so don’t try to be,
Your child is going to love you unconditionally.

So before you look down and feel guilty for what you are about to do,
Just tell yourself, “I got this, and I love you!”

DeeDee Goodin

2 thoughts on “Working Woman

  1. Love your poem. So true on how one feels leaving your child so you can return to work. I would like to see more poems from you.

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