5 Effective Ways to Lose those Pregnancy Pounds

Now you’re a mommy and your life has changed over-night. Your day-to-day operation is now taking care of someone else. It is imperative that you take care of yourself as well. You have had all the nutrient dense food, fulfilled your cravings, and taken all the precautions that you were told to; but now it’s time that you take care of your body and lose those pregnancy pounds.


1. Did you know that you burn up to 330 calories per day, just by breastfeeding? That is equivalent to running for 45 minutes on a treadmill at 10mph. Breastfeeding gives your baby the nutrients that it needs, therefore it is important for you to consume all the nutrients that you can get. Ensure that you have at least 1600-1800 calories per day while breastfeeding. Once, you have stopped breastfeeding your child, start to cut down on those calories.

Eat Healthy

2. Nutrients are what is required by the body while healing and while taking care of your little bundle of joy. Aiming at achieving that size 0 waistline that you see on television is not healthy and highly discourages. Crash diets are another thing that new mothers should not follow. Doing so puts the body in a nutrient deficit state and simply ruins your plans of weight loss. Instead, opt for the 80/20 rule where you eat healthy 80% of the time on lean meats, whole grains, nuts, beans, fruits and veggies.

Switch It Up

3. Try switching up your cravings to something healthier. Doing so gives the body all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients that it requires the most. Consume at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, if you get hungry throughout the day have a handful of nuts and dry fruits, break down your meals into 6 meals instead of 3, and decrease your consumption of processed food, as they are not conducive to weight loss.


4. Every time you come across a weight loss tip, it always says that exercise and a healthy diet go hand-in-hand. Since you now know the benefits of a healthy diet, let’s get down to exercising. Starting off with a stroll and gradually increasing it to a jog will help in cutting down all those pounds you gained over the span of 9 months. Try out exercises such as aerobics, Pilates, or Kegels. These exercises not only help in weight loss, they help in strengthening the body as well. Pilates help in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles while Kegels help in dealing with bladder incontinence. Never forget yoga, as it helps in avoiding health complications and makes you lose weight as well. Other options include Zumba, swimming or cycling. Find something you enjoy and maybe find someone to do it with. In case you experience any pain, discomfort or dizziness, stop immediately and try reducing the intensity of your exercise. Ensure that you get your doctors approval before starting out any exercise.


5. Stress eating is not a good habit to cultivate as it makes you crave comfort food. This happens due to the adrenalin and cortisol that is released in the body due to stress. Binging on these comfort foods may make you feel better now, but will also end up making you gain weight. Try sleeping when your baby sleeps; get sufficient hours of sleep as sleep deprivation may lead to increased levels of stress. Get some “me” time by going to a spa, meditation or yoga as they help in de-stressing. Also seek spiritual care. Making sure our bodies are well spiritually is just as important as our physical health. Spend time with God in prayer and reading His word. Involve your family members or partner to take care of the baby for a while so that you can take care of yourself.

Don’t stress about not losing weight, it is a gradual process and it will take time. Having a calm and stress-free mind will help you take care of yourself and your baby. Ensure that you consume all the nutrients that are required by the body, this will help you and your child become healthy. Get enough exercise and focus on your health rather than aiming at losing weight. Dealing with your pregnancy pounds in a healthy way will ensure that they do not come back.

Lisa Jones

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