Author: Jamie Gapinski

Writer. Dog Farmer. Old girl grafted in the vine. I'm a writer, dog mom to three golden retrievers. I can't get enough Barry Manilow. I sing a mean "pen karaoke" and I have been known to scrape a birthday cake bald and eat nothing but the frosting. For breakfast. I like auctions and old photos of people I don't know. I'll slap paint on anything that'll sit still long enough. When I can't lose weight, I cut my hair. In my 40's, I found I could grow hair where I didn't even know I had skin. Menopause is weird like that. Back in the day, I had a long-running fitness career. When that ended, my self-esteem deflated like a dollar store balloon and my daily exercise consisted mainly of walking on eggshells, running from my fears and swimming in the depths of regret. But then Jesus. I currently live on a lake in Wisconsin and I enjoy walking, antiquing, live music and all things Italy. I have a BA in English and a MA in Strategic Communications from Regent University.