Erica Campbell on Body Image and Motherhood: Finding the Beauty Within

It was a normal day for me–work, emails, homeschool, and running errands. I was sitting at a red light in my minivan listening to Get Up! Mornings with Erica Campbell, thinking, “How in the world does this woman manage her schedule? ” As a working mom, I know just how grueling every day life can be–kids activities, deadlines, laundry, ministry and marriage. It’s not easy.

Needless to say, I was inspired to chat with this vocal powerhouse on her life managing techniques. If you aren’t familiar (which I highly doubt), Erica Campbell is a member of the gospel duo, Mary Mary. The group has performed to sold-out audiences, won 5 Grammy Awards and sold over eight million records worldwide. She has also found success as a solo artist, with her first album debuting at #1 on the US Gospel Billboard charts.


Our interview was laid back, mom to mom with children’s voices heard faintly in the background. In my work from home uniform (leggings and a sweat shirt), and my finger near the mute button, I asked this wife, mom, gospel singer, radio show host, reality TV star, First Lady and author, “How do you balance it all? ”

“I don’t wear all those hats at the same time,” Campbell explained. “Sometimes I am just a wife. Sometimes I am just a mom. I don’t feel guilty when I can’t do everything for everybody and that is very liberating. I have learned when to say yes and when to say no.”

“We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, even manage the busyness of our lives.” – Erica Campbell

Being a radio host means that Erica is on-air Monday through Friday from 6am till 10am EST. Mom life begins soon after if she is not set to perform out of town or scheduled for meetings. No matter how busy we are, it’s important that moms find time to unwind, and that means different things for each mom. For Campbell unwinding is spending time with her loved ones. “Unwinding for me means being with my family,” she expounds. “I’m home making tacos with my kids.”
One of the major complaints that working moms have is that they struggle with mom guilt and they constantly feel pressure to choose between being a mom and having a career. “I try to make sure that the same level of excellence and professionalism that I give to my career, that I am also giving my husband and children that same energy. I don’t want them to get tired, worn out Erica. Does it make me worn out sometimes? Absolutely. Is it worth it? Yes.”
Motherhood changes us in so many ways and for most of us the physical changes can be challenging. From stretch marks to a few extra pounds, moms sometimes struggle to accept what they see in the mirror; moms struggle to still feel pretty.  One way to combat this feeling is seeing ourselves as God sees us.
“I have to constantly tell myself who I am in Christ. I literally look in the mirror and encourage myself,” Campbell explains. “You are fine whether you wear a size 8 or a size 18. Imagine how it sounds to the Father when we are constantly bashing our bodies. Imagine how you would feel as a mom if your child kept complaining about their body. That’s what we do to God. Love your body and if you need to make changes do that, if you need to change your diet, do that, but don’t bash your body.  Be thankful for the body you have.”
“We have to watch what we are saying to ourselves about ourselves.” – Erica Campbell

Until you reach a place of thankfulness, build yourself up with the word of God and affirmations to transform how you view yourself. For example:

I AM Lovable

I AM the Righteousness of God

I AM Worth IT

I AM Destined for greatness

I AM Blessed

* Excerpt from More than Pretty: Doing the Soul Work that Uncovers Your True Beauty by Erica Campbell

More than Pretty
Erica’s  book, More than Pretty: Doing the Soul Work that Uncovers Your True Beauty, explores self-esteem and identity, and urges women to use God’s word as a mirror for discovering their beauty. “More than Pretty is about realizing that your pretty is power,” Campbell declares. “It’s about realizing that everything you’ve been through serves a purpose in your story. If you do the soul work and seek therapy if needed, learn to let go and embrace new things in your life, you’ll learn how to overcome. It’s really a tool to grow and to tap into the beauty that lies within.”

Career, body image, motherhood…we are doing our best every day to manage every facet of our lives. Ultimately, our success lies in trusting the Father, leaning on Him to guide us in each area so that we aren’t juggling it all on our own and over committing ourselves.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight.” – Proverbs 3:5-6
May you find beauty within and be the best you you can be!
Arian T. Moore
Arian T. Moore, Ph.D. is Editor-in-Chief of Bibs & Business Magazine with 15+ years in the field of media, marketing and content creation having worked in radio, television, and print. Moore serves as a curriculum development consultant and adjunct professor for a number of universities, teaching leadership, communication, and journalism courses. She is mom to four children ages 11 to 5 years old and is a published children's book author.

6 thoughts on “Erica Campbell on Body Image and Motherhood: Finding the Beauty Within

  1. Amen!! This was an on time Word!!! As I was just experiencing the “mom guilt” last night. Her words were so inspiring to me. Thank you!

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  2. Awesome article my fave quote ” I don’t wear all those hats at the same time,” Campbell explained. “Sometimes I am just a wife. Sometimes I am just a mom. I don’t feel guilty when I can’t do everything for everybody and that is very liberating. I have learned when to say yes and when to say no.”

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