Fitness Tips: Staying Fit While Traveling

working mom traveling

Trying to stay fit and healthy while traveling is something most of us have had trouble with. Whether it’s a business trip or vacation, it’s very easy to abandon all the progress and hard work we put in in our home element. The goal of trying to stay fit is to make reasonable and obtainable choices to stay on the right track.

Here are 14 easy tips to stay fit and active while traveling:

1. If possible, stay at a hotel that has a gym available.
Most hotels have either small workout centers or pools, so if it is in your control opt in for one of those hotels and make it apart of your daily schedule to work out.

2. Try to indulge in a healthy full breakfast so that you avoid making unhealthy decisions out of hunger.
We all know that when we don’t have a proper breakfast, there is a good chance that our day will be out of wack. Eating a full breakfast will ensure that you have all the nutrients to maintain your energy throughout the day.

3. Walk as much as possible.
Depending on where you are traveling to, another way to stay fit is to walk to your destinations. This will ensure that you are getting some type of exercise throughout the day.

Try walking to your restaurant destinations. It will ensure that you are getting some physical activity before and after your meals which is good for digestion and it will motivate you to make healthy decisions.

4. Find physical activities to partake in.
There are plenty of local physical activities to partake in, no matter what city. Some activities can include hiking, dancing classes, swimming, and even escape rooms. You can find many physical activities on Groupon that you can either do by yourself or with someone else that are affordable

5. Pack gym attire and walking shoes.
Let’s admit it, if you’re traveling, you are probably going to be doing a good amount of walking so make sure you pack some comfortable yet fashionable walking shoes. There’s nothing worse than having a cute outfit but not having the shoes to match it, so this is your time to treat yourself to a new pair of shoes! And if you pack workout clothes, you won’t have an excuse to not workout!

6. Pack healthy snacks.
Once again, there is nothing worse than trying to make healthier choices but forced to make bad decisions because of hunger. Pack healthy snacks like nuts and trailmix to fight those crazy hunger cravings until you are ready to have your meals.

7. Stay hydrated.
Water is one of the most important things to the human body and without it you will feel depleted. Stay away from too many sugary beverages and fill up on water and tea. Water will also curb your appetite and prevent you from making unnecessary unhealthy food decisions.

8. Stay away from carb overloaded meals.
Most of us crave carbs and they taste amazing. You know, the mashed potatoes, fries, and garlic bread. But they can be a set back when you are trying to make better choices and/or lose weight. Since you probably won’t be getting your average amount of workouts and healthy food, it can be easy to fall victim to overdoing the carbs. Try to have them in moderation and make it a priority to load up on your protein, veggies, and fruit.

9. Bring a fitness watch or pedometer.
Viewing your steps and activity levels can keep you motivated to stay active.

10. Sleep!
This is self-explanatory but if you don’t get the proper rest, you won’t have the energy to be make the right decision during the day.

11. Journal your meals.
We all know that journaling meals is no fun, but it’s a great way to keep track of what we are eating. Luckily technology has made it possible so that we don’t have to bring a physical journal and our caloric intake can be inputted on an app in our phone.

12. Lastly but most importantly, enjoy yourself in moderation!

What fitness tips do you keep in mind when traveling? Share your health tips. We would love to hear from you!

Paris Bogle

4 thoughts on “Fitness Tips: Staying Fit While Traveling

  1. I always found it hard to keep on track with my workouts while traveling. Thanks I will definitely keep those Tips in mind on my next trip especially those eating ones

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