From the Desk of an HR Manager: Excelling in the Workplace While Working From Home

All over the country, employees are finding themselves working remotely in positions that have traditionally occurred in an office setting.  And let’s be honest. If you are accustomed to having face time with your co-workers and your bosses, working remotely may be difficult. For those of us who have been climbing the career ladder, it’s the relationships that we have built that are an integral part of how people view us.

As an HR manager, with over 20 years of experience, the view people have of you (your personality) is as important as the work you do.  Take it from me, behind the closed door, when you are the topic of discussion for future positions, your attitude and interaction with others is as important as how hard you work. So, in a time when you have transitioned from in- the-office to at-home or remote work, how in the world do you stand out in the crowd?

The Bible tells us in Matthew 5:16, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

The same way that you present yourself in the office is the same way that you should present yourself remotely.  By presenting yourself, I am referring to both your work and your attitude.

Over the years, the employees that stand out in my mind, are the ones who present impeccable work, but also the ones who do the work pleasantly and positively. As you continue to adjust to this new normal, keep the following tips in mind on how to stand out from the crowd and make your mark in the workplace.

Go above and beyond what you are asked to do

I will admit, it was quite challenging to balance the schoolwork of my children while working full-time. I am a single mom with a very demanding job. However, I have also gained a ton of time in my week with the elimination of my commute, sports activities, and the normal hustle and bustle that I typically experience.

With the additional time, I am able to complete the tasks for my boss and  I can spend an extra hour doing a little more research or creating a presentation or template that will help ease her job responsibilities.  As a strategic partner for the businesses I support, I am able to ensure that all requests are met before the day is over. Utilize this time to do just a little bit more than you might be able to do under normal circumstances.

Embrace the current state and share ideas on making it better

Managing through COVID-19  is new to all of us.  This unprecedented occurrence has no rule book or handbook for the workplace.  Your leaders are all working together to figure out the best way to keep the business running, keep employees motivated and engaged, and keep customers serviced. You have ideas that are begging to be shared. Be proactive! The best employers make the jobs of their leaders easier. Out of the box thinking is what is needed for every organization to get through times that are unscripted and unfamiliar. Now is the time to take the initiative and act on it!

Be prompt and timely

It is very tempting to roll out of bed five minutes before it’s time to join a call or before the start of your shift. Set a daily schedule and stick to it. Your leader will be impressed with your promptness and timeliness.  Make arrangements ahead of time so that your children are occupied while you attend meetings. Be the first to respond to or craft an email at the start of the day. Log in to virtual meetings at least five minutes before they start. This small gesture shows you are still focused and determined and will leave a great impression with your boss.

Let your personality shine through

Most of us are spending more time in the house than we have in the past. Add increased time with the kids, and limited time to yourself, and a recipe for crankiness is destined to exist. When your boss or a coworker asks you how you are doing, it is tempting to give a play by play of how hard things are. Resist the urge. Continue to show the charismatic, bubbly personality that your boss and coworkers are accustomed to seeing in the office.  During video calls, look directly into the camera and give the call your full attention.  This is you virtually arriving in the office. It also allows others the chance to feel like they are personally interacting with you.

Contraire to popular belief, promotions and salary increase are occurring.  Businesses are being more cautious, but high performing employees are still a hot commodity and being rewarded for it.  Seize the moment! Grow in your potential and show, now more than ever, that you add value to your organization. You can excel in a time such as this!!!!

Maja James
Dr. Maja M. James, a content writer for REIMAC Magazine is a University of South Carolina graduate with a Bachelors of Science in Business with an emphasis in Finance. She also has a Masters in Business from the University of Phoenix and a Doctorate in Business with an emphasis in Human Resources. Maja works as an Senior Human Resource Manager/HR Business Partner for Greif. Maja currently resides outside of Atlanta, GA with her two daughters age 7 and 10.

One thought on “From the Desk of an HR Manager: Excelling in the Workplace While Working From Home

  1. Very accurate and timely article. And knowing you have the personal experience makes it even more valid and applicable.

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