A Prayer For Working Moms: Finding Peace in the Chaos

If there’s one lesson I’ve learned in life, it’s there is a time for all things.  There’s a time to fight, a time to work, and a time to cry. Right now, with the world in turmoil, I believe it’s the time for all of us to come together and pray.  When we pray, we find peace. It doesn’t take much to realize that with the current events happening all over the world, there has never been a better time to do so.  To all the beautiful moms all over the world, I offer this prayer.  Let’s come together hand in hand and give praise to the Most High for what He has done and will do in our lives.

Let Us All Pray

Dear Father God,

We come to you with hands outstretched and hearts open, calling on your heavenly name. You birthed strong women,  Mothers, wives, daughters, sisters and aunties to name a few. You’ve given us the strength to carry bundles of joy and raise them in a turbulent world.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for your goodness and mercy every day. There’s always plenty of work for us women and mothers to do. We know that there is nothing we can achieve without your guiding grace.

We pray for continued guidance and knowledge to be the women and mothers you created us to be. There are days when we’re lost on how to complete everything that’s needed. Especially, during the times when work nights become long and we don’t have the extra time we’d like to have with our children. Help us focus on what’s important each day.

Take away the stress and anxiety Lord. Let us cast our cares on you. You got this! Help us trust you. Let us use this time to draw closer to you and our families. Father help us be a source of peace for our children who may not understand all that’s going on. Give them peace Lord. Comfort them. Help us to be there for them during this time.

Remove our desire to do it all and be it all. We simply can’t be it all, not in this time and not ever. Instead, let us turn to you as our source of strength.

During these trying times, we need you more than ever. We need you to put your loving and protecting arms around us and our families.

Father God, although there is loss, heartbreak, illness and so forth, we know that you’re able to turn everything around. We pray for a miracle. Heal the sick Lord, send a cure and comfort those who have loss loved ones.

The pandemic of this world may have caught us by surprise, but it didn’t catch you by surprise. We believe you can turn every bad situation around as a healer and deliverer. We know you will not put more on us than we can bear and you’ll give us the ability to provide for our children. You’ll continually give us the strength and dedication we need to be the women you want us to be, the moms our children need us to be and the employees or entrepreneurs our company needs. All things are possible with you Father!

Our wish is to rise above adversity and the challenges of this world to achieve the victories you’ve designed for us. Our faith in you is immeasurably strong. Heavenly Father, our prayers echo your all powerful name. Your name which will bring us peace, strength and love.

Father God, we go to your Word and it dwells within our hearts because we know those words are what will guide us to victory.

We believe by faith that you will supply our needs, that our children will be safe and our world will be healed.

We praise your name Father. What a mighty God we serve! You can do all things! All power is in your hands! We give you glory, honor and praise today.

 In Jesus name we pray,


Together We Stand

The pandemic. which has reached almost every corner of our world has caused us to pause and reflect.  Not only on our lives, but also on what is important within our lives.  Prayer is powerful.  Prayer is one way we can show faith and raise our praises to God Almighty.  It is also a source of peace, even in the midst of the chaos.

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!” –  Isaiah 26:3

To all the beautiful mothers, daughters, sisters and aunties, you all have the strength to make it through our new everyday lives. Your perseverance is what will hold you together and push you through to victory. We’re designed for greatness and our Heavenly Father walks with us, talks with us and lives through us. Together we can stand strong and be the women of victory this world needs.

Do you want to share some reasons you have to praise Him?  Would you like to add to this prayer in some way?  What strengths has God given you to make it through the day?  Please share with is.  We’d love to hear from you!

Arkeshia Brown

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