
Summertime poem


 Summertime…and the living is easy.

Bright sunny days, warm Summer rays.

Gardening, water play all sorts of fun.

Families making time to share

While easy Summertime is here.

A time to pursue travel afar.

Or just to the front porch

And watch the easy summer night stars.

Sit in your favorite swing or chair.

Fresh watermelons, fresh peaches

Fresh vegetables, fragrant the air

When easy Summertime is here.

Special celebrations, freshly squeezed lemonade.

Ice cream, of course, maybe even homemade.

Plenty of barbecues, there is a lot to do

In the easy Summertime.

The beauty of Summertime lingers.

Long sunny days, warm Summer rays, balmy nights.

You can feel it in the air

When easy Summertime is here.

God created Summer unique in its own time

With its own special treasures.

Praise him for his perfection

He created it for our pleasure.

It is Summertime, and the living is easy.

Praiseworthy  Affirmations Copyright (c) 2003 by Jean Millicent Williams

Jean M. Williams
Jean Williams, Ph.D., is the Owner/CEO of Blyouprints Consulting. Jean partners, specifically with women, mompreneurs, entrepreneurs, nonprofit, and corporate business leaders to assist them in reaching their life and organizational goals. She is a home educator, entrepreneur, and minister. Jean has been married for 32 years to her sweetheart, best friend, and Pastor, Robert. Jean is a mother of seven children (5 boys and 2 girls) ages 15 to 27 years old. She has a doctorate in organizational leadership, and her areas of expertise are organizational leadership and development, development and change, entrepreneurial leadership, and women in leadership. Her passions and gifts are women’s ministry and writing poetry and positive affirmations to offer inspiration in all areas of life. Life verse: Numbers 23:19 ~God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?

One thought on “Summertime

  1. Jean I have known you for a long time and I always knew you had it in you to write great words of wisdom. I was flipping through Facebook and seen this tears fell out of my eyes, to see you were writing in this book. I always knew God was going to do use you to do great things and I am proud to be alive to witness and see it came to pass. Continue to let God use you and you will do great things for him and we can be a witness God Bless You and your family Jean.

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