Working Moms and Stress: Know The Signs and Tackle It

Believe it or not, stress is the number one cause of many health issues plaguing today’s society.  The signs are not always recognizable and are often misdiagnosed, usually by the person experiencing them.  Our friends, family, or others who are close to us will be able to see the signs before we notice them in ourselves.  It can be hard to keep an open mind if they voice their concerns or express that they notice unusual behavior that we may be displaying.  The truth is, they are most likely seeing the effects that stress is having on us.

Stress can come from any number of sources such as work, kids, spouse, school, death, finances, you name it.  Even exciting life events like pregnancy, weddings, and buying a new home or car can cause unexpected stress and anxiety.  We are accustomed to dealing with a multitude of stress on a daily basis, which is why people tend to overlook the signs.

My Story

Last year, the transmission on my car blew and I needed to buy a new one.  I got a rental car so I could search for a new car (which I thought I could do in a week) and drive to and from work.  On top of that, I had schoolwork to complete.  It didn’t take me long to realize I would not be able to find a car in a week and the pressure was on.  All in all, the car buying process took about a month.  The rental charges racked up costing $900, I was taking time off from work, which I could not afford, and I was failing my class.  Although I knew I was overwhelmed, I did not recognize any of the symptoms I was experiencing as indicators of excessive stress.  Examining my situation is what influenced me to investigate the topic of stress further.

During this stressful period in my life, I started experiencing heart palpitations, shortness of breath, headaches, blurry vision, and dizziness which are all symptoms commonly associated with stress and anxiety.  I was drinking a lot of coffee during this time and assumed the extra caffeine was the culprit.  This seemed odd after drinking two lattes a day  with three shots of espresso in each cup.  I should have been bouncing off the walls, however, I noticed every time I became overwhelmed I would suddenly get really sleepy.  Sudden fatigue is also a sign of stress, acting as one of the body’s defense mechanisms when a person gets overwhelmed.

What Are The Signs Of Stress?

The signs of stress can vary because what causes stress for one person may not affect another person in the same way. Some of the signs of stress are:

  • Moodiness/irritability
  • Depression
  • Loss of control
  • Racing thoughts/unable to think rationally
  • Avoiding people
  • Fatigue/sluggishness
  • Nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain, constipation
  • Forgetfulness
  • Chronic anxiety
  • Unable to focus

These are some of the many characteristics associated with stress.  WebMD provides a more extensive list of symptoms excellent for helping people decide whether their ailment is a true sign of stress.  If necessary a physician can offer clarification.

You should also be aware of how pre-existing health conditions can result in stress too. For example, low vision can make it difficult for you to complete your work easily, resulting in feelings of frustration or stress. A painful ailment can cause stress. An ongoing illness can cause stress.  One of the many symptoms that stuck out to me was the effect stress can have on our ability to think clearly, and make rational decisions.

You’re Not Alone

A recent study found that women who work full-time and are raising two or more kids are 40 per cent more stressed than working women with no children. Women with one child were 18% more stressed than women with no children.  Rae Cooper, Professor of Gender, Work and Employment Relations at the University of Sydney explained, “Motherhood is challenging for all women, but there’s a higher layer of complexity for working mothers.”

Working moms carry a lot of stress every day. The issues we face range from the demands associated with motherhood, financial concerns, and marital stresses to keeping a winning attitude at work despite a not so pleasant boss or co-worker. Too often we just keep pushing through, taking on more responsibilities; leaning on our ability to multi-task.

It is natural for people to take on too much to reach a goal or complete multiple tasks, but not only is it unhealthy, it is not what the Lord wants for us.  Instead of allowing him to carry the burden as he said he would, we as people tend to take it upon ourselves.  Remember the Lord says,

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

Calming Resolutions

There are several positive steps that can be taken to eliminate stress and anxiety such as:

  1. Spend time with God in prayer
  2. Be assertive and less aggressive
  3. Employ relaxation techniques
  4. Exercise (Take short walks if nothing else)
  5. Set a routine for your day
  6. Improve your time management skills
  7. Plan ahead
  8. Set realistic goals and limits
  9. Learn to say no when you are busy
  10. Enjoy time with family



Always Remember

  • Stress related issues can be hard to recognize in ourselves.  Keep an open mind to the possibility that stress can be adversely affecting you if those close to you are concerned.
  • Stress can come from both positive and negative situations as well as from various sources.
  • Stress doesn’t affect all people equally.  What one person may find stressful someone else could find not troubling at all.
  • Even those who are affected by the same stressful circumstances can develop vastly different reactions to the stimuli and employ different mechanisms to cope with the stress.
  • Do not be afraid to seek the advice of a trained medical professional if your symptoms are seriously disrupting your life.
Seek God

Although these tips are extremely beneficial, the most important thing is to seek the guidance of God.  My issue was I only focused on the problems around me instead of focusing on him.  I eventually let go and let God guide me.  As Matthew 6:27 says, “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”  Once I prayed and truly gave the situation to the Lord, he was able to work it out.

Stress and anxiety can rob us of enjoying life.  Incorporating prayer, along with stress reducing tips and techniques will help to relieve stress and anxiety and put our mind, body, and spirit in balance and at peace.  Living a stress free life is possible, but it takes planning and work.

Monique Cador

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